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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Is it for water or electric? The MR news item doesn't specify.
  2. There would have been a certain amount of pectin in the fruit but not so much to make it that sweet!
  3. Ahhh... Delrosa, now there's a blast from the past. Remember it well.... a teaspoon each night before bed. Now I think about it.... it was terribly sweet! The sugar tax on that would have paid for the whole the DHSS in a year!
  4. I see/hear that Ron Berry isn't too enamoured with MR:
  5. I didn't realise that MR was so big that it required an HR person. Aren't most people who work for MR contractors these days?? If so, why would they need an HR department??
  6. What I don't understand is why the PBS licence isn't put up for grabs (a bit like the UA & IOMSPCo), say every 10 years. Why is Manx Radio so sacrosanct?? Is it just the name?
  7. I have found this chart useful: https://www.seedsnow.com/blogs/news/9901842-plants-that-grow-well-together-and-which-dont
  8. Well, they came.... they just didn't; leave!
  9. I'm not surprised... it's the only 'hotel' in Ramsey to speak of (as far as I know). There are B&Bs etc but clearly, there's a market for another mid-size hotel.
  10. Try disabling your anti-virus protection app before firing up the MR app to see if that affects it.
  11. If you can't be arsed to read it, why bother commenting? And for the record, I'm very pro-PSB. But only ones that stick to their licence remit.
  12. Here we go again...... more BS from MR: http://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/iom-deal-behind-pinewood-restructure/ So, who says that Pinewood generated £10 million for IOM?? It certainly wasn't the act8ing CEO of Pinewood in the article with Variety: http://variety.com/2018/tv/global/pinewood-plans-shepperton-studios-expansion-1202695683/ The more I read/listen to the MR news the more I'm convinced that there's an IOMG sponsored mouthpiece in-house.
  13. And here's what Cineworld in Jersey has on during this month: https://film.list.co.uk/cinema/42906-cineworld-jersey/
  14. http://cinema-theatre.org.uk/uk-cinemas/uk-multiplexes/ Certainly some interesting numbers in that article.
  15. I hope the Sefton paid for this "advert"? http://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/sefton-suites-for-sale/
  16. What has IOMSPCo got to do with it?
  17. IOMG has been so preoccupied with IOMSPCo and the UA in recent years that they have been blind to the real elephant.
  18. I would be in favour of a proposition to develop a port/harbour to take larger vessels providing it was also in tandem with the opportunity to allow 'normal' size ROPAX vessels to operate. I agree that as a stand-alone project it would be hard to justify financially.
  19. Some nice comments about Suzy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngFtp-juWik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mclxCEQ-gic Very sad... Hers was the first MR voice I heard when I moved over to Mann.
  20. I wasn't referring to just IOM. Stobart is now operating on more Flybe routes than advertised. MAN-SEN for one. And you will get the odd lane pop up when FlyBe don't have an aircraft available due to their own aircraft going technical. I know, it's happened to me. (And is particularly annoying when you have reserved a seat at the front based on a Dash only to find that it's an ATR which loads from the back.) The Loganair franchise is a legacy but costs will still be washing through the system. Anyway, I'm sure there'll be another excuse for poor performance.
  21. The maintenance cost issue seems about as plausible as the IT problems that they came up with last March for poor performance. I suspect there's a fundamental business model issue at stake here. IT and maintenance costs would appear to be periphery issues to the main operating problem.
  22. What I don't understand is why they should be having maintenance cost issues, as a fair proportion of their operation is outsourced to Stobart and Loganair(?).
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