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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. "hopelessly insolvent" - but it was a matter of record (according to the Deemster) that there were assets available that could have satisfied the debt, at least in part. Seems to me that it was not for JC to assume the company was "hopelessly insolvent". Surely that was for the court to decide. Which it may well have done had he turned up on time.
  2. Why didn't he pay private contractors to do the work?
  3. Aye.... if in doubt jer, jiggle the numbers around to make it look good: "The company listed assets of about £5.4 m of which £4.2 was described as 'Goodwill', which is an intangible asset such as the value of a brand." [Oldest accountancy trick in the book] Just well Dave came along at the right moment and made her an offer she couldn't refuse: "'The Mone Review', in which she is driving to create business in Britain's poorest neighbourhoods. As part of her brief, she has been given the job of travelling around the country speaking to anyone from ex-convicts to single parents about setting up their own companies, for which she was given use of a government Jaguar. "
  4. That's interesting, coz wikiwotsit says: While wearing a very uncomfortable cleavage enhancing brassière at a dinner dance, Mone realised she could improve the design. Her stated aims were to create a brassière that was both more comfortable and better looking, whilst enhancing more cleavage. So it clearly didn't work, for you at least.
  5. Is that building what is now Nadine House, where the Manx Credit Union operate out of? ETA: Just looked at the enlarged view and it doesn't look like it is.
  6. Top banana.... well done. I can die a happy man now (I'm easily pleased!)
  7. I was right... the Star was on Prospect Hill, at least the hotel was. I recall going in there (more out of curiosity really) not long before it was demolished and it was like stepping back in time to the early Victorian era. Complete with Aspidistras planted in what appeared to be guzunders!
  8. Wasn't The Star on Prospect Hill, just downside of the steps to Market Street back of M&S?
  9. I see that MR Statement of Programming Policy (as agreed with the IOM Communications Commission) expired 31.03.2016. http://www.manxradio.com/about-us/statement-of-programme-policy/ Does that mean it's operating illegally?
  10. That's what I said earlier in the thread. To sustain a service operators will require some support.
  11. Stobart are as likely to walk away from IOM as any other airline if they can't make it pay. However Stobart's haven't over-reached themselves be aiming to be the premiere regional UK service and started flying from all kinds of far flung destinations. They just fly select routes that they can make some money from. The Isle of Man will make an airline some money if it did it correctly. My guess is that any routes they or any other operator to/from IOM would need is to have some form of support similar to the ferry agreement. The open skies policy hasn't worked. It should therefore come out of the Enterprise Fund and not go to friends of friends. There is nothing more important to an island's economy than it's transport links. Absolutely agree about your last sentence. However, it should not be necessary for any money to change hands to get what is required.
  12. Stobart are as likely to walk away from IOM as any other airline if they can't make it pay. However Stobart's haven't over-reached themselves be aiming to be the premiere regional UK service and started flying from all kinds of far flung destinations. They just fly select routes that they can make some money from. The Isle of Man will make an airline some money if it did it correctly. My guess is that any routes they or any other operator to/from IOM would need is to have some form of support similar to the ferry agreement. The open skies policy hasn't worked.
  13. Stobart are as likely to walk away from IOM as any other airline if they can't make it pay.
  14. From The Times this morning: Everything that could go wrong is going wrong for the regional airline Flybe, which says a tough aviation market will send it into the red, even without other issues to spook investors. In a statement before the close of its financial year tomorrow, Flybe said that its online offering was not what it could be and it has issues with software and IT contracts which will take up to £10 million off profits. Even before that, Flybe was going to make “a small loss”. The news sent the airline’s already depressed share price down more than 5 per cent before it recovered to close 50p down at £42.50. For a company that has used its fair share of excuses over the years Flybe’s statement was vintage. “The [fourth- quarter] period has been characterised by weak demand in an uncertain consumer environment, together with price competition arising from overcapacity amongst airlines and sharpened price activity from rail operators,” it said. “Weather related and operational cancellations, as well as industrial action, mainly by French air traffic controllers, also impacted revenue.” Saad Hammad quit as chief executive in the autumn after three years of what Flybe billed as “a major transformation”. It then announced a 70 per cent plunge in pre-tax profits at the half year to £7 million. The statement continued: “Flybe is planning a major upgrade to its core systems, which will significantly improve the customer experience and allow greater ecommerce. A full review of software assets and IT contracts is expected to result in additional cost and non-cash writedowns, which could impact profit by around £5 million to £10 million. Excluding this, adjusted profit before tax for the year ended March 31 is expected to be a small loss.” Christine Ourmières-Widener, chief executive, said that she remained “very excited about the opportunities in Flybe”. Announcing plans to reduce its fleet of 85 aircraft, Ms Ourmières-Widener said: “We must first rebuild some of our core systems and this is now starting. “We shall continue to reduce costs, work with our partners to improve efficiency and stop unprofitable flying.” Oh dear... could reduced number of aircraft = reduced number of flights to/from IOM?? IMO DED should be seriously worried about this.
  15. Thing is John.... how much influence does IOMSPCo have with Peel Ports to insist on regular dredging? The build up silt has been known about for some years and it seems to be getting worse to the extent that IOMSPCo has to arrange it's schedule to fit in with Peel Ports inability to do something about it. I recall being on the Ben about 7 years ago when it got stuck on a sand/silt bank on the entrance to the harbour, we had to wait 2 hours before there was sufficient draft to float off it. And so it goes on....
  16. Trump = obnoxious..... the words pot, kettle and black spring to mind with Boyle as the author. Difference being that one is a comedian (irrelevant of whether he is to your taste or not) and one is occupying the highest office in the land (of the US)... Boyle's a comedian?
  17. Trump = obnoxious..... the words pot, kettle and black spring to mind with Boyle as the author.
  18. Loon? I didnae have you down as Aberdonian. scottardHe is, I'm not.
  19. Loon? I didnae have you down as Aberdonian.
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