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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Who's operating this low power LAN on the Island? ETA: Who owns the licence?
  2. Only if you manage to sell it though.
  3. Are there any Manx companies there, showing their wares?
  4. There's money to be made in Coffee.... which reminds me of story..... Quite a few years back I was sitting in the LGW departures area bar and struck up a conversation a Ghanaian who was on his way home Ghana having been to meetings with various coffee bean buyers. The conversation lasted about an hour and he covered issues like planting, growing and processing etc until I thought I would ask if he liked coffee.... "can't stand the stuff, I'll have tea over coffee every time", came the reply!
  5. Were you on the Island and policing during "The Troubles"?
  6. The 1907 is something else, one of the best ales around. Tastes like ales of 40 years ago.
  7. Precisely. At least if MDC have the site in their portfolio any development decision-making process would be more transparent than the last one! I think some people don't realise how big the site is and what it takes to develop something of that size. I'm not against a public/private venture but the developers must have a proven track record of making things happen and have the financial wherewithal to carry it out. As far as hotel brands are concerned, the big names won't sign up unless and until the planning is in the bag and the first spade is in the ground.
  8. Ah wasn't aware of that. In which case the asset should revert back to IOMG, if it hasn't already and a new development process got underway with MDC.
  9. The Bradley family should be told to sling their hook and start the development as per the original plans WITH the hotel.
  10. I wonder how much of that increase in the standing charge is to pay for the roll out of the smart meters.
  11. Do you remember during and after COVID that there was a shortage of carbon dioxide? Most folk wondered why depleted stocks of CO2 was making the news. Now we know.
  12. Well if he was party to the signatures on the Secondment Agreement then he probably did lie. Wouldn't be the first time, as I'm told.
  13. The only reason I mentioned the state of tide was that this week the tides are going to be very low at both ends of the crossing.
  14. If that was the case, that she was employed by the department, then there should be tax records, you know the stuff that all employers have to submit every month. Were there any? I think no is probably the answer to that. As Gladys says a Secondment Agreement was most likely the only document that linked her to the CEO position. I wonder then, who from IOMG (DHSC minister or Chief Secretary) signed that document? Did either the minister or Chief Secretary have the vires to do that? The whole appointment and managerial process was mired in the smelly stuff.
  15. Good faith or not, seems to me that it was not properly risk assessed.
  16. Did she actually depart at 02:15? What was the state of tide in Heysham harbour at the scheduled time of 02:15?
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