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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Manx Care overspend due to predicted increasing demand, says Health Minister https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/manx-care-overspend-due-to-predicted-increasing-demand-says-health-minister/ Well, if it was predicted why weren't the funds made available to meet that increased demand?
  2. And anticoagulants as well, I think.
  3. Actually I was referring to the fact that big energy companies purchase the smaller companies that have already done the hard bit.... the exploration. The big money is on developing the pay-zone into a full field development and it's the big boys that usually cough up for that after they've purchased wells with confirmed reservoirs. I don't know of any of the majors that operate their own fields, it's all contracted out to service providers.
  4. Andy Onchan


  5. So where can I find this "published many times" information? When I spoke with an IOMPost operations person very recently they were adamant that no such air service is available.
  6. In the (hopefully) unlikely event of an aircraft ditching in the water on approach to any runway then a RNLI or any DOI boat isn't going to have the capacity to take all the passengers on board in any weather, let alone a calm sea. So a life-raft would be a must I would have thought. MMP - do ATR's have liferafts?
  7. How do you think these big boys get to develop lesser well known pay-zones?
  8. What do you mean by real gas exploration companies?
  9. Aye, another reason for him not to throw his Rear Admiral's cocked hat into the ring.
  10. I'm afraid Watty is wedded to the dressing up box to consider the top job, after all there's no CM uniform!
  11. Yes it's terrible.... Royal Mail actually honouring their USO mandate by delivering a letter, whatever next?
  12. https://afloat.ie/port-news/ferry-news/stena-line/item/61902-storm-isha-ferry-passengers-left-circling-in-irish-sea-overnight-as-crashing-waves-cause-10-hour-delay
  13. I thought that we were referred to in Bells day as an "International Finance Centre"?
  14. I'm sure this has come up before but.... why were local authority bonds discontinued?
  15. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/southern-pools-board-disputes-claims-from-education-minister/ Yet another kick in the goolies for Treasury/DESC.
  16. My guess is that the majority of the overspend will be wages increases which of course would have been well above what was budgeted for in the current tax year.
  17. If it is then there must be an awful lot of people caught in that net. £47 million is not a small amount by any standards.
  18. The Minister stated that the shortfall would or has been met by "Additional income tax revenue". Really? Sounds to me as if we might be due a big VAT refund if they don't need to dip into reserves for such a large amount.
  19. In all the 43+ years I have lived on the Island I have never been asked for ID at either end of a boat journey ("The Troubles" & CV periods excepted).
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