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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. When you say "securing funding isn't always easy", what do you mean by that? Funding for what part of the TT?
  2. I can see the Turkish orders going the same way as Ferguson, over budget and inferior materials.
  3. They were installed because some crayonista wanted them on their CV/LinkedIn profile. If they're that good why wasn't the junction at the new Ballasalla estate painted as a roundel?
  4. But don't forget there were Ministers also involved with this debacle as well. But I guess we'll never know who made the final decision to make a bad thing even worse.
  5. There's bugger all under Laxey.... except rainwater.... I've looked.
  6. We had a visitor over during the Xmas/NY holiday (who last visited about 6 years ago) and the first thing they said as they walked through the door was: "what have you done to all those lovely lights that you used to have?". The consensus was that the prom was now devoid of any character and appeared 'cold' to the eye.
  7. Indeed. IOMSPCo didn't need to move at all as LCC decided not to progress any further with their cruise ship development project (one of the reasons for kicking them off the landing stage in the first place).
  8. The best the planners could hope for is that any new development should reuse existing stone for external non-load bearing aesthetics.
  9. Try working out how to use the threads properly first.
  10. FFS. Thank you. This is like being at school again!
  11. Might be clear to you. But not to me and to be honest I really don't give a fig!
  12. What's your verdict on the 1907 (bottled and cask)?
  13. Care to share that scientific info with us then? ETA: And BTW, I didn't ask a question.
  14. Probably more than the real McCoy!
  15. Unless of course you injure yourself in the gym trying to get or stay healthy. As happened to a colleague of mine some years ago and was off for about 4 months!
  16. I have a relative with a birthday coming up soon and thought that a 'voucher' would be a great present as he's been a follower of the TT for most of his life. He can't attend due to serious mobility issues. The problem I have is that I have no idea what the cost is and it seems that DfE won't tell me that cost unless I sign up, which I don't want to do. What's wrong with making the costs being made available on the booking page??
  17. Andy Onchan

    TT 2024

    Does anyone know what the cost is for watching 2024 TT+ LIVE PASS?? Seems you have to sign up before you get to find out how much it is!
  18. Anyone know why this appointment is only for 6 months?:
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