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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Couldn't happen to a nicer person though, could it?
  2. I think you'll find that most of it is shit! That's why a lot of people don't watch 'live' TV. For us the only 'live' TV we watch is the news. The rest of the time we choose what we want to watch (or rather She chooses what She wants to watch.... I get up and do something else instead!).
  3. Both of which, as Phantom(?) pointed out, would be at least an hour away from attending.
  4. There's something absolutely not right about this situation. I really don't see how an airport with approaches over the sea would be allowed to operate if it didn't have all the risks covered, documented and the appropriate assets in place in case of a catastrophe on water.
  5. 100% the union knew about the LOB plan from the very beginning.
  6. I wonder if this absence of proper training for the boat has anything to do with the IOMCAA certification thingy, being put on notice for not complying? It would be very strange if it wasn't part of the certification process.
  7. I was thinking more along the lines of "I don't fucking know, why are you asking me?"
  8. I love this CS gobbledygook:
  9. Of course they could have some officers on annual leave, which will also exacerbate the issue of cover. And I'm pretty sure that Brian Thompson said (in one of his MR interviews) there will almost certainly be service disruptions. So it's not unexpected.
  10. Already covered in "IOM DHSC & MANX CARE" thread.
  11. I'm sure I read somewhere in a local rag that a date in early January was when Tesco stopped accepting any supplies that had been ordered in advance by Shoprite (the previous spelling was from my mobile). Anyway, the point I was making was, that unless Robbo's have secured a supply contract with Tesco then they'd be stupid to throw money at stock that they would be unable to sell in the former Shoprite stores.
  12. Isn't it the case that Tesco take over the ShopRite operation completely by end of this week? If Robinsons haven't already secured a contract with them for future biz then I doubt they (Robinsons) would still be ordering fresh produce. Perhaps.
  13. Andy Onchan


    https://www.visitiom.co.uk/visitiom/isle-of-man-darts-festival-2024/overview#:~:text=The Isle of Man Darts Festival will take place at,the 10th March 2024.
  14. Andy Onchan


    You're not from around these parts are you?
  15. Not if the port entrance & the port itself keeps silting up regularly.
  16. Ahhhh.... that'll be so they can finish fixing the skirting boards to the wall.
  17. But according to published sources the goods were inspected and certified(?) as meeting the terms of supply by UKG's own appointed inspection company whilst the goods were still in China!
  18. I have said this for several years. A time limited appointment of say 6-8 years max for a CEO with a bonus at the end of the contract for meeting targets set by the CO/Tynwald.
  19. Indeed, a granddaughter(?) of the original founder of the Cargill empire who inherited the whole shooting match, as I was told. They also grow the wheat that is used to feed the beef cattle.
  20. How large would the large corporate have to be to pay the minimum 15%?
  21. I didn't think that at all. I haven't been in town recently as the state and decline of Douglas puts me off and I merely thought as you're the property development guru on here you'd be the person to ask.
  22. How are things progressing with the Duke Street development?
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