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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Well, as I say IOMP are not the only users of air freight. The problem is that Stu and his band of merry people think that collaborating with others is somehow beneath them. When I asked what the % of mail that was being moved by air I was accused of being a competitor.
  2. Methinks that his recent ramblings will not see him back in at the next GE.
  3. Is UKG entirely blameless in all of this? The product was found to be of substandard quality by UKG's own appointed inspectors whilst it sat in China. If that was the case why the feck did UKG pay MedPro? Or is UKG saying that it paid for all the goods in advance? There's something horribly wrong about this whole debacle. Seems to me the procurement process was flawed or at the very least circumnavigated. But for the benefit of who, is anyone's guess!
  4. Yes she would. There are always the possibility of windows of opportunity to sail. This last one was probably such an occasion.
  5. To say that it's all down to RM is to ignore the fact that the withdrawal of the "mail plane" was unexpected, it wasn't. The writing was on the wall in the early part of 2023.
  6. Well, if they had live aboard for crew she would have sailed at the first opportunity.
  7. Do you get to see who by name and address is requiring the information?
  8. From the little I've read it's more about process, including IT and ultimately where the decision making & responsibility lies.
  9. I always thought Henderson was part of the Manx Establishment.
  10. I wonder how many of those arrested (presumably the organisers) actually have UK settled status?
  11. Is it part of the Common Purse settlement arrangement?
  12. Re your edit NB.... yes the irony of what Stu has said and the Grant Thornton report wasn't lost on me either.
  13. That's more like it! I hate wishy washy generalisations! 🤣
  14. Couldn't you be a bit more precise than that? 🤣
  15. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/plans-to-outlaw-gas-disconnections-in-certain-circumstances/ That's all very well Ms Lord-Brennan but the people you are trying to protect should have a way of paying for consumption. Legislate for PAYG meters, please. That will then reduce future customers from falling into debt.
  16. It's the high cost from 12 months ago that some folk are having issues with paying, not the current costs.
  17. The blood just drained from my head when I read that. 🤣
  18. Well, if they carry as they are no one will have a job. So the union should be cognisant of that situation.
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