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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. You've no chance, you're heading in the wrong direction..... I can do it for £2.6 million., plus a 15% contingency
  2. Spot on and the cost is for both venues I understand?
  3. So the fact is, that whatever Stu Peters says about the race to the bottom.... IOMP are already there. The simple fact is that the small parcel sector works in the same way as letters.... it's volume, nothing more. I really don't understand why this is an issue for IOMP, they have the assets and people (their main asset) to provide an all-Island service and should really be the go-to entity for this type of business.
  4. I'm told that some equipment is not repairable as parts are no longer available.
  5. Money, money, money?? (the CS pension pot)
  6. The VAT return is digital but HMRC still issue cheques for refunds.
  7. Cheques are still issued.
  8. So if you register without a clearing bank how is it possible to 'bank' a cheque for a refund period?
  9. So, according to the article: the PPE was found to be defective but still UKG paid them. Why? Don't know about you but I wouldn't have parted with a single penny on that basis. But someone in UKG (Treasury?) signed off on it. I'm not defending the duo at all but as usual there are two sides to the story.
  10. I've not really been following this very closely but as far as I can see UKG is alleging that the goods supplied were/are not up to the required quality as specified on the order. Although quite when UKG realised that the goods weren't up to the spec is perhaps another question. I suspect that the PPE can be used (as opposed to being disposed of) but may be limited. If the goods truly weren't up to spec at the time of delivery then any balance due to Medpro after arrival should have been withheld. Are we getting the whole story? I suspect not.
  11. An average of +£62K per company. Wow!
  12. How many consumers haven't been able to put a repayment plan together? Are there numbers available? Surely for the sake of good relations with all of their consumers and for their own financial benefit it would be in IOME's best interest to offer prepayment meters?? Prepayment meters for electric are available: https://www.manxutilities.im/smarter-living/about-smarterpayg/ One way that Tynwald could probably help is by pushing through legislation to make it compulsory for the gas operator to offer prepaid meters.
  13. What you read is not necessarily what you get.
  14. The last sentence I agree with. As for Scotland there are still a lot of areas where only 3G is available, particularly on the northwest and northern coastal towns. Probably the best overall coverage is Northern Ireland.
  15. That's the spirit: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/isle-of-man-post-office-announces-price-hikes-to-numerous-services/
  16. Sadly I don't think that's going to happen.
  17. Contradictions are down the corridor on the left.
  18. Not yet. Still waiting to hear back on the next available slot.
  19. Second large tranche was actually 10 million (can't recall how much the first was). https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-business/manx-telecom-awarded-10-million-govt-broadband-contract/ MT is the wholesaler of the islands only public comms service upto your curtilage (I think that's how it's described).
  20. Has he? The funding deficit is getting bigger and some waiting lists are getting longer.
  21. I could do with some new gravel for my garden paths! 😉
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