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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I have never understood why DOI have allowed mooring in that space by the boathouse, except of course it's a bit shallower in that area so any boat that's in the way would be good deterrent and stop the master from going any further.
  2. I was told it's the seasonal workers permit. It could well have been closed last month as I think the investigation started last month.
  3. A former boss of mine wrote letters like that. He was from the old school of business, a proper Company Secretary he was. Stood no nonsense.
  4. It is. An absolutely dreadful situation IOMG have allowed to happen if proven, which I'm sure it will be.
  5. It's more a case of them all spying on each other. It's positively encouraged and a typical communist ploy to instill fear into the populace. Phone data collection isn't a patch on the old fashioned ways.
  6. I've just heard that the issue of all seasonal work permits are being temporarily suspended, pending an investigation into some serious wrongdoings.
  7. I have Revolut chasing me (from London) to sign up my IOM companies with them (our UKCo is already signed up and with relative ease after about 2 weeks of providing them with what they wanted for DD purposes). Quite pleased so far.
  8. I thought Aurigney were in profit these days? And you missed the point of my original post (not for the first time).
  9. I see Guernsey Post partner with one of their so-called 'competitors' to provide a much needed international service that Royal Mail struggle to provide. Is that a "race to the bottom" or a common sense move for the customers of Guernsey Post? Answers on a postcard..... (sorry about that)!
  10. That's been my position all along. One out, all out! Couldn't we start a war with someone or get someone to travel to China and bring back the lurgy and have another pandemic and lockdown .... you know, give the feckers something to do? This really is lazy politics of the worst kind.
  11. But LegCo are part timers, aren't they?
  12. May be I'm wrong but I haven't heard of either Faragher or Hooper saying they want the bishop out on religious grounds. They're saying it's undemocratic.
  13. Of course not. It's simply wrong to pick on one position/individual when none of them have a mandate. For Hooperman this is all about him and a deflection from the shitshow that is DHSC & MC. Nothing else And as for Faragher, well she's another champagne socialist grandstanding for the sake of it. Because she can.
  14. Putting it crudely, there's no point in having someone in the pissing contest if they can't piss. It's meaningless. As I said, if you're getting to get rid of one on the basis that it's not democratic then LegCo as a whole must go. Either they all stay or they all go.:
  15. Is that better or worse than being sent to Coventry?
  16. How do you mean "proportionally strong"?
  17. https://gef.im/news/politics/we-have-no-confidence-in-this-government-42730/ https://www.facebook.com/p/Isle-Take-a-Stand-61552191983942/?paipv=0&eav=AfaqCP6Cp_UFrGI3bxNxuPrIKubhaPpCbTt-7K_IwhNjPWuaqsmrRVpkIxqE_DXrgsw&_rdr https://www.instagram.com/isle.takeastand/
  18. None of where the Bishop resides in LegCo is democratic. It's BS to say that MLCs are where they are due to democracy. None of them have a mandate.
  19. You'd be surprised how many prospective MHKs turn up at church on a Sunday prior to a GE. When they don't get in you won't see them again.
  20. Hear, hear. If Hooperman wants a real democracy then he should also look at the whole of LegCo not just the Bishop. It's clear that all he is concerned about is going down in history as the man who 'got rid' of the Bishop. It will be his sole claim to fame. Nothing more.
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