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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Wasn't it an overdosing of some chemical or other (aluminium?) at the treatment works up at Greenfield Rd?
  2. Well we knew that. Pick the low hanging fruit and leave the stuff in the "hard to do" tray until later. Much later. Meanwhile the surgery lists get longer.
  3. As it turns out we would still have had a terminal because LCC no longer wants the area where the landing stage is. They don't have and never really had the money to develop it in the first place.
  4. I really don't think these clowns have really understood the legal and administrative implications of that vote. If the Bishop doesn't have a vote in Tynwald then we might as well disengage the CoE completely from the legislature and be done with it. Oi Hooperman! What the fuck are you doing about the funding shortfall for the DHSC?????????
  5. I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on this.
  6. Of course. After all there's nowt else of any importance to discuss or vote on is there?
  7. Most policy is dreamt up by the CS and is executed by the same people. You only have to see how many directors of this and that policies there are in the Cabinet Office to understand that. The politicians merely rubber stamp it all and of course because they're the face of the department take the stick for when things inevitably go tits up. So the CS do run/ruin everything.
  8. That's a lot of gravel/stone considering that end of the prom (against the harbour wall) had very little stone prior to the levelling. And it seems they are done for now at least, as all of the equipment has been removed.
  9. The rock/pebbles were dumped up against the outside of the harbour wall. You can just see smallish mound up against the wall in the second photo.
  10. That's all very well but you've not been on the Morcambe & Wise show, have you?
  11. Union Mills, Braddan, Onchan & Douglas.
  12. Not the smartest of moves, it has to be said.
  13. Of course people could contribute to the long established Coal Fund instead of risking money via a Go Funding page, at least there are set thresholds. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/first-round-of-douglas-coal-fund-vouchers-distributed-this-tuesday/
  14. Haven't read the report yet but does it say the Strategy can be rolled out with existing resources?
  15. Indeed. Quite depressing really. Not a patch on the previous lighting arrangement.
  16. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23927879.scotland-flights-glasgow-airline-loganair-axes-routes/
  17. Any of them been commercial pilots, by any chance?
  18. I think a fair few instructors would be a bit worried too!
  19. The power station will never go. To think that we can do without one is bonkers.
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