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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I suspect that Tesco may be taking things into their own hands (outwith MIC and GL) and so for white goods, for example, Tesco may have the supplier/manufacturers and or their own distribution centres containerize the goods and ship them via Mezeron. If they can get cheaper rates with Mezeron than IOMSPCo then they would be stupid not to use them. I can't see Tesco risking food shipments with Mezeron. At least they know there is a regular/scheduled service with IOMSPCo.
  2. Is it a new sea service, or just utilising what's already there and at a cost that's better for the bottom line?
  3. Perhaps Tesco are thinking that containerised dry & white goods (that are less time sensitive) would be best carried by Mezeron?
  4. This is what's required Glad: https://www.euronews.com/travel/2018/08/20/the-natftalan-bath-oil-azerbaijan-s-slick-beauty-treatment
  5. You mean like the wrong leaves or snow?
  6. Most probably phytosanitary regulations and nothing to do with the shipping company.
  7. Why would they do that, other than for monetary gain?
  8. Good idea but not sure how that would go down with the training staff.
  9. I think the College still have a course for exactly that. Not sure what the costs are (if any). Might be worth some employers getting their staff up there for some training.
  10. That's interesting because I think the flight is showing as direct on the Loganair website.
  11. Anyone on here tried the Loganair service to/from Newquay?
  12. Andy Onchan


    Yes, I received exactly the same this morning. Don't be fooled by the fact that banks are telling you they're protecting YOUR money. It's all about protecting themselves from the regulators!
  13. Only ever been into one KFC (Gainsborough, Lincs).... and never again. Had a serious bout of the shits 6 hours later that lasted a day and half and cost me an extra night in the Premier Inn next door. And it seemed to be the centre for drug dealing. Lots of youngsters coming and going and sitting at a table with a guy who seemed to be holding court.
  14. Wouldn't necessarily disagree with you but it's going to take some untangling come the time.
  15. But the law says otherwise, as in establishment.
  16. I see what you did there.
  17. Crookall... taken in again! 🤣
  18. IOMPO only made an operating profit of £165K, which is entirely different to the £542K (which includes interest received) as published by the media. And it doesn't stop there. They even had to revalue some fixed assets to cover a "Remeasurement of net defined benefit pension asset" (a loss to you and me) and that brought the final "comprehensive" income to £430K. Without the asset revaluation the comprehensive profit would only have been £18K.
  19. I hope someone from COMIN PR department is reading this, you'll be a shoo-in! They need people like you. 🤣
  20. Why are you comparing IOM with UK? Do you not want the best for yourself and other residents? What's wrong with wanting the best (that you pay for)?
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