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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8ER9Ladqg4&ab_channel=SikhAtSea
  2. Indeed..... Well, who would have thought, government fueling inflation? I have never believed any of the consumer/price data that IOMG spouts.
  3. Well, the powers that be are those that inhabit the upper earnings categories so the ordinary working people are really of no consequence, until as such time it hits them personally.
  4. The bit I'm interested in is what she will have to say about Abbotswood.
  5. It was already well established by then... most folk who had it initially in December '19 , Jan & early Feb '20 thought it was flu.
  6. Must be new captain then who, as yet, hasn't got his pilots licence (or equivalent) for Heysham??
  7. Could someone please remind me what happened over the weekend of 13-15 March 2020?
  8. It doesn't need to spend any money. They already have the operational assets to make it happen. They won't outcompete anyone, there are still gaps in the market.
  9. Sorry, couldn't resist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LS37SNYjg8w&ab_channel=BBCStudios
  10. Are we opening a book as to who sits on his right and left hands?
  11. The gig economy ain't going to go away. So you might as well join it. What other options are there with a diminishing retail/letter market? You have the assets, both vehicles and personnel; it should be a no brainer. But as I said earlier, despite previously having three development managers, IOMP is late to the party.
  12. Why doesn't IOMP employ anyone/anyone with freight and/or logistics experience in your management structure so that it can compete for the courier/parcel economy and which should have happened +15 years ago?
  13. Let's put it this way.... it's not the digital economy or any of the sectors where earnings are high!
  14. Actually, if what I hear is correct, that's exactly what's happening. Permits are being applied for, granted and then the "employee" only works for the company for about a month and then is "let" out to other "employers" at rates substantially less than even the minimum wage, let alone a living wage. IOMG is aware of this.
  15. But it's interesting that the KC handling the CV review has also said much the same. And that:
  16. There's been a lot of activity in & around Heysham the last few days with dredgers, so it's possible that they had to wait for other vessels to move out the way to allow sufficient room for MX to enter & manoeuver.
  17. Do we still have dogs (& handlers) these days and infrared night time equipment?
  18. https://news.sky.com/story/proposed-north-yorkshire-fracking-site-becomes-source-of-clean-geothermal-energy-12988955
  19. The players were worse.
  20. One wonders why the rights/licence fee wasn't paid in advance, unless of course that's tied into the same contract as any commissions IOMG receive on sales etc.
  21. Proffitt (and the whole MEA board at that time)?
  22. 3. I thought there was other stuff that they weren't in compliance with apart from 2??
  23. So..... 1. have EZY got their act together now? 2. is ATC still on reduced hours? 3. what news from DoI/airport about their non-compliance with the CAA?
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