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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I suspect IMO regulations, not IOMSPCo.
  2. That's why Alistair Ramsey was correct in what he was saying.... Tynwald have failed to curb or seriously question the antics of some (not all) of our so-called executive experts (remember we have a cabinet office full of directors of this and that).
  3. I won't ask how you know that!
  4. In the English Midlands rugby fraternity a sing-a-long containing the words "Gentleman's Relish" had somewhat of a different connotation!
  5. There is very little that is Enterprising in that department. I've said it before, all the Registry fees that are credited to the DfE should stop and be re-routed towards Health & Education instead.
  6. You and me too! I'd settle for this fella at least you know what you're going to get:
  7. My reason for posting the link is because (for some reason) IOMG think they can make it work when if fact market demand for controlled distribution, as the Canadian example shows, doesn't work. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-isle-of-man-60404400
  8. The elected and executive are one of the same. Alistair Ramsey is correct. Tynwald doesn't hold the executive to account.
  9. WTF are you talking about? I've made my position clear on this the company should be allowed to manage the business not the government. However, Nautilus have already been given the cold shoulder by IOMG (at least publicly). You tell me what will happen next.
  10. Of course not. May be some personal consultancy fees and a modest corporate "operations transfer" fee to deal with the admin for redundancies.
  11. Does he wear shorts? If so I think I saw him marching along the top end of Woodbourne Rd this morning.
  12. In principle I agree with what you say but we'll see what Treasury/COMIN do when the boats stop running and the Island starts running out of bog rolls. They'll be cries of "how could the IOMG let it get this far?". They'll have to intervene, it's in their and our interest to do so. And at that point onwards the IOMSPCo becomes a political weapon.
  13. BBC News - Canadian cannabis market struggles five years after legalisation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-67126243
  14. To anyone that would like them for a donation to Hospice.
  15. No doubt the vessel will veer off the autopilot track and the rudder will kick in to bring it back onto position. You can feel it when the Ben does that. We're off on th MXM on Thursday and looking forward to having a nosey around.
  16. Out of the way places in Malta were the same quite a few years back.
  17. Thank the Lord for Wikipedia. 😇
  18. So no medical experience of any kind is required then? I wonder how long they'll have to wait for the right applicant to come along, unless of course someone has already been earmarked for the position?
  19. I did ask the question. Where can I find the answer?
  20. I think PSPs are under an obligation to tell you which 'bank' the money passes through. I think the point is that all banks/PSPs in the future will have to use a single global payments platform so tha, amongst other things, costs are more transparent.
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