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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I was thinking more in terms of the moral dimension with gaming and pressures outwith IOM.
  2. IOM Government is a significant contributor to inflation.
  3. Anything that the government has a hand in. On charges that have risen up to 22% over the last two years that are conveniently omitted in the CPI?
  4. I wouldn't disagree with you on that postulation!
  5. Indeed. I do wonder whether the quotes from the media using the words Shoprite "sold" and "sells" to Tesco are factual.
  6. Better opening hours, for Village Walk at least.
  7. Well, I'm under 70. So you might want to revisit that rule!
  8. Iceland's new brand "the food warehouse" is a slick operation. I used to visit and buy from one of their stores in Scotland when on long business trips.
  9. I would say that a single Iceland (with fresh produce) unit would do well in one location (Onchan?). So having empty units keeps any competitors at bay.
  10. It's the same with Coops in the UK. Irritating when virtually every swipe across the scanner either fails to read the barcode or the bagging area thinks you're trying to knick something.
  11. Hardly tumbleweed town, as far as I know every unit except what used to be Celtic Trader is occupied, including all the office facilities above the retail units.
  12. I'm sure the officers and crew would love to go to St Tropez. "Bring it on", I hear them cry!
  13. The manufacturer of the main power source is Wartsila, designed and engineered in Finland (for the most part): https://www.wartsila.com/marine I imagine Wartsila will have engineers on hand in UK in the event of something really serious happening. Wouldn't be surprised if Wartsila didn't have direct access to the vessel's engine management system/consol via satellite connection for diagnosing problems.
  14. Some interesting comments in Faceache pages:
  15. Ahhh now we know. It was a switch it off, pull the plug out, plug it back in again and switch it on again moment. Works every time for me.. well, almost!
  16. I wouldn't worry about Robinsons they've done well out of IOM, in more ways than one.
  17. How can Tynwald intervene? Isn't Shoprite owned only by the NIcholsons? It's not a PLC is it?
  18. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/island-business-managers-and-owners-invited-to-have-their-say/
  19. So you know that the developers of Middlemarch haven't applied for the rebate?
  20. https://www.gov.im/news/2023/sep/22/bold-regeneration-plans-announced-through-the-island-infrastructure-scheme/
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