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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. IOMG & CS are Top of the Form (remember that?) for buzzwords. Nobody does it better!
  2. What concerns me is that if the proposed increase is allowed what guarantees do we as consumers have that MG will maintain the network to an agreed schedule. That's assuming that there is an agreed schedule with CURA? One would hope so but I can't see any mention of it.
  3. Here's the link: https://www.cura.im/media/1856/20230913-cost-of-debt-working-capital-consultation.pdf Enjoy!
  4. Isn't LCY dependent on the aircraft and pilot being compliant with the short runway requirements? MMP will probably be able to inform us.
  5. I doubt wayleave payments are any better than they used to be.
  6. Possible but I'm guessing there might be an additional carriage charge for the insurance. Not sure what volume of cargo, if any, departs from Mann. There's nowt being shipped then I guess the additional premium won't be that excessive. Or may be not!
  7. The only possibility might be shipping by cargo ship only, ie. Mezeron perhaps?
  8. The IOMSPCo issue is probably true, IMO & SOLAS and all that.
  9. In some of the remoter places in Scotland it's spread it out on fields and the rain does it's best to wash it, then chop it up and put it on the arable land areas as fertilisers. Most tomato liquid feed contains seaweed.
  10. It's not the salt content alone, it's the other 'stuff' that's absorbed by it and goes with it.
  11. I rented a small office from a HA in Fife until recently. My office was within the their own admin block but half of the high street is owned by them; with various shops, a veterinary surgery, a dance academy and such like on the ground floors with the first floors (in some cases the second floor) all being residential units, varying from one bed to 3 bed flats (all with lifts) and all new builds. They also have their own energy company with wind turbines on long since redundant coalfield sites from which they generate revenue. I did offer to connect the CEO of the HA with Chris Thomas but it wasn't taken up. ETA: And all rents are pitched in the mid-market bracket, making them affordable.
  12. I downloaded several dox relating to HA legislation and COPs in all the UK legislatures and damned if I can find them now but..... suffice to say that not all housing associations in the UK are run at "arms-length" (whatever that means). The most successful ones are mostly tenant-managed and have income from commercial rentals (ie. housing over shops and offices for example) as a way of meeting ongoing costs, including the "mortgage/loan" repayments. They are however subject to the relevant regulations and must report periodically to the Regulator. I agree with most of what you say in the above. It will be a total dogs breakfast if they insist on going down the arms length route, as all it will do is create yet another layer of unnecessary bureaucracy. The MDC is proving to be another outlet for jobs for mates.
  13. What's the betting that a significant proportion of that £42 million will already have been spunked away on other unrelated 'stuff'.
  14. The HoC is a cesspit.
  15. Did you have the jab when it was first offered?
  16. Yes, I thought that was a bit profound as well.
  17. If it's a shed then its mine! 😁
  18. (admittedly that 1,000 is spread over three departments)
  19. And yet: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/more-than-12300-patients-on-hospital-waiting-lists/
  20. Where did you get the info from?
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