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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. But wouldn't the cost of fuel rise in Option B? You'd be buying 1/3rd less fuel and so miss out on volume discount?
  2. Anything to do with his debacle?: https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/financial-watchdog-exceeded-its-powers-594739
  3. Photos - there's an interesting correlation between the properties on Glen Road and the houses on Old Laxey Hill, the road where the (2?) houses have been undermined by the landslide after recent rainfall. If you look at old photos of Old Laxey Hill taken at the turn of the last century you will see there were very, very few houses along that road. Most of them were built 1920's onwards until we have a situation today where virtually the whole road (on both sides) has been built on.
  4. Isn't the DOI doing work on the Edward pier during night hours?
  5. Does that mean they'll be using glass similar to that erected on top of the wall at the Shore?
  6. Paul Merton is a one of a kind. His improvisation skills are superb. We went to watch him and his gang at the Gaiety a few years back. We ended up in Sir Norman's after the show and all of them came in and proceeded to do another improv session for free in the bar!
  7. The event itself is a vanity money-pit project. An absolute waste of resources.
  8. Is that how you view DBC, as a toytown?
  9. The same could be said for anyone unfortunate enough to shuffle off their mortal coil in a hospice. After all, we all know that most deaths in a hospice result from an overdose of a lethal substance. I've witnessed this with my own eyes, to both of my parents and my eldest brother. In all three instances the death certificate shows the name of the cancer not the name of the substance that stopped their hearts from beating. So in essence all three doctors who pronounced their deaths lied.
  10. My mother was a keen watcher of the B&WMS in its day, on account of Dai Francis (the Welsh baritone). My mother walked in from the kitchen one evening to see Dai Francis (in civvies, as it were) on a chat show. She didn't realise it was Dai Francis because a) he wasn't singing at that point and, b) he wasn't blacked up. Towards the end of the show he burst into song and my mother said what a brilliant singer this fella is.... he sounds just like Dai Francis! My Dad howled with laughter. Aye, different times.
  11. Chubby Brown still going strong: https://www.roychubbybrown.biz/events/
  12. Agreed. The mixed messaging coming out of MC leaves a lot to be desired.
  13. The sweet corn eaters are the worst.
  14. AECOM - are in/out of various courts at some stage of their involvement in projects: https://www.constructiondive.com/news/justice-department-joins-whistleblower-lawsuit-against-aecom/579278/
  15. Didn't BLK airport do something similar some years ago when Manx2, or one of its other incarnations operated in/out there? I seem to recall you had to pay a check-in fee before entering the check-in area. Or maybe I'm thinking of elsewhere. I was correct (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackpool_Airport)
  16. My guess is that despite all the shenanigans that's gone on recently EZY have made good money on the rotations they have operated during their time here. The same probably goes for the CI's.
  17. Calling Roger M.... Who, if anyone, in Tynwald voted against the creation of Manx Care and the model now in place?
  18. It might. What other method or process can you suggest?
  19. If there was then they would have dumped IOM years ago.
  20. At the next GE when most of those currently residing in the Keys fail to get returned or even stand??
  21. By the time you have created new roads and strengthened existing ones to take the weight of a tower plus truck/trailer tare (approx 95 ton) where the turbines are proposed to be sited then laid the cables and put in substations along the way it will be the same price as offshore.
  22. I'm pleased for you. For some that's certainly not the case.
  23. Anyone else but Ashford. His first job would be to order some new shredding machines.
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