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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Well, if folk could get a GP appointment within a reasonable time-frame there'd be less folk attending A&E.
  2. And there are literally hundreds of thousands with the same bullshit in their CV.
  3. But, but..... he's got an MBA. How very dare you!
  4. On Yeadon: So, no experience with vaccines or epidemiology and sold the company he founded to a big pharma company. As for Kalokerinos, administering overdoses of vitamin C to first nation people (only) is on a par with what the nazis did.
  5. https://businessnewswales.com/caulmert-tests-the-water-to-find-solution-for-isle-of-man-marina/
  6. Since you're quoting wikiwotsit try looking at JVT's page and see where his experience comes from..... that's right, big pharmaceuticals. He walked away from pharma and went back into the NHS. You don't get to know about vaccinology, epidemiology and stuff like influenza and respiratory viruses just by reading a text book and being on University Challenge. We all know that big pharma has an image problem due to the amount of money involved but I really do think you've picked on the wrong man to try and prove a point.
  7. It might look on paper as if they're close to Mann but they're not. The nearest, Morgan, is 22km away from our nearest shore. I believe it would require at least one offshore sub-station which would probably end up being another obstacle in the shipping lane and for shipping to negotiate, including our own IOMSPCo.
  8. If we only require 8 turbines (according to the gospel of Happier Diner) then they should all be in one place and offshore. It's going to be a logistical nightmare getting turbines on hillsides that don't have road access (and even if they do they won't be wide enough or strong/sound enough to take the weight).
  9. That's all very well but does it have a Death Star Canteen?
  10. May be it's not a 'Tavern' in the drinking sense. It might be this: https://www.theadventurerstavern.co.uk/
  11. Whilst it travels through the air it won't go away and so the screens will be largely ineffective.
  12. I'm sure I read on one of the local media websites when this news broke they first posted that the actual overspend was £33 (point something) million, not £27.2 million.
  13. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/bus-drivers-covid-concerns-as-protective-screens-are-removed/
  14. IOM Bank is not fit for purpose, never mind their travel insurance!
  15. And not forgetting these folk: https://www.huddersfieldchoral.com/
  16. You paid that locally?
  17. I thought the latest fad was B12 & K3 being taken together?
  18. Nope. At least not the people that I used to meet up with, most were still working and would turn up 17:00ish to about 19:00 but not every day; labourers/construction industry and at one point a fella who used to work in the AG's office. There was one retired fella (widower as I recall) who sat in the front room of the Saddle (I think it was) who used to do the Times crossword. He used to have frequent trips to the lavvy and whilst he was away someone would pick the newspaper up and fill a few missing squares in. That used to wind him up something awful but he took it in good spirit. For a short while he took the newspaper to the toilet but gave that up as he kept dropped it in the urinal. He hardly ever paid for his own beer, it was bought for him. His visits to the hostelries was more to do with loneliness than anything else. When he died the majority of the mourners were the lads from the various boozers he frequented.
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