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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Call me old fashioned but I'm a spit and sawdust pub ale (not lager!) drinker. I tend to find the customers have character in places like that. It's not just the ale/alcohol, it's the craic as well. Sadly many of the characters who frequented the North Quay pubs in Douglas in the past have moved on to the 'Cheers' pub in the sky! Each to their own.
  2. A pallet truck and a tail lift, all of which DOI has would help speed things up.
  3. Well, he could've invented a tail lift for those heavy bits that can't be manually lifted.
  4. It'd be one hell of a sized email and/or attachment!
  5. £9/pint is an interesting concept.
  6. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/steam-packets-apology/ I know about climate change but spring tides in late August, early September??
  7. That's a shame. (puts tin hat on)!
  8. "Majority of crimes last year occurred in douglas and onchan"...... That really is a "no shit sherlock" statement.
  9. Mates rates in lieu of free seats, Nellie?
  10. Response 9 is a load of bollox. The charges are publicly available on the airport website: https://www.airport.im/media/lx1podkx/_iom_airport_charges_sheet_2023_compressed-1.pdf The only thing missing is how those charges were applied to each of the flights according to the scales on the rate sheet. What is wrong with these people, it's not a fucking state secret. These people must think we were born yesterday.
  11. As is the Chinese takeaway next to the Cat with No Tail.
  12. This latest version is certainly doing the rounds on the Island, some members of our extended family have succumbed. Two of which haven't had a single jab between them.
  13. Banning fossil fuel boilers will mean householders will have to turn to an alternative, air source heat pumps seem to be the rage so the demand for 'lektrik will increase. Or have I got that wrong? And don't forget the extra demand for 'lektric vehicles.
  14. A bigger power station to run them all?
  15. Is part of the link missing? I can't open it.
  16. Not really. It's another made up job for a mate. Not sure why they bother with departments, they should just put everyone in the CO. It's all par for the course.
  17. You mean goat curry? That's nice as well.
  18. RM is morphing into a version of DHL/FedEx etc which is probably long overdue.
  19. Andy Onchan


    Not bad a move, investment-wise.
  20. We surely can't be that far away from delivery of letter mail from UK to IOM by drone. RM have trialled it in the Scottish Islands recently.
  21. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/after-two-days-and-over-a-hundred-phone-calls-i-walked-into-my-gp/
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