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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. How much is the TT Sports dept paying for John McGuinness to appear?
  2. Does he still live at home with his Mum?
  3. If it's bad/rotten at the top then you can almost guarantee that it's the same further down the line.
  4. It's common sense. Isn't it? I know you're into 'projects' & 'contracts' etc big time but I'm really surprised that you don't understand the importance of maintenance.
  5. Didn't suggest you did. I simply suggested that IOMSPCo ain't PO as they have at least been engaging with other stakeholders for the last 2.5 years. ETA: For the record I was using the collective "you".... not you personally.
  6. Wouldn't really need flood defences (as such) if the river course had been maintained.
  7. You expect nature not to grow around rivers and streams etc?
  8. You can't accuse IOMSPCo of not consulting with the union, they've been at it for 2.5 years.
  9. I would suggest that Laxey is priority given what has happened. Taxes have been paid over the years but no maintenance has taken place, there really is no excuse. And of course you're not going to pay, it doesn't affect you does it?
  10. Well it would depend on their residential status, wouldn't it? Remember that (probably) the majority of crew are not IOM residents or indeed UK citizens as they are engaged on a seasonal basis from across the globe with work permits to fit the job. When was the last time you travelled on IOMSPCo vessel?
  11. A planned maintenance schedule would be a start. Shouldn't need to ask for that though, surely?
  12. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/nautilus-union-describes-spc-rota-dispute-as-very-disappointing/ I'm sure IOMSPCo finds it frustrating after 2.5 years of negotiations as well.
  13. Probably not. As has been alluded to, maintenance is a dirty word in IOMG circles to be avoided at all and any cost. You only have to look round at some of the publicly owned assets to see that.
  14. Wasn't there a period of time not so long ago when LLoyds were struggling to employ sufficient pharmacists as well?
  15. I might be wrong and I'm sure I have read it somewhere but having a biopsy is not without risks, in terms "activating" (my word) the cells. For PC to be ranked 2nd in the list of all cancers (claiming 60K+ lives in the UK and on a par with BC) then it really does make you wonder why the development of screening and treatment etc lags so far behind BC.
  16. Congratulations to The Traf: https://gef.im/news/community/regional-pub-of-the-year-39174/
  17. Thanks. The Onchan (Lloyds) branch is virtually empty and has been for quite a few days now.
  18. Has anyone heard/read anything about the closure and subsequent 'acquisition' of the Lloyds Pharmacy business?
  19. This much, I suspect, is partly true simply because there is no meaningful & reliable diagnostic screening process:
  20. Kipper Please explain what is meant by this "These have created a sense of distrust between officers and crew "? And.... Are you seriously suggesting that crew have a say on "Manoeuvrability in harbour in windy conditions". Surely the Master is the final arbiter in such a situation?
  21. Isn't the union ballot about changes in terms and conditions and not related to how the MXM handles?
  22. Isn't Belfast the same? Pretty sure I've seen ROPAX wiring outside the outer harbour.
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