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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the handling characteristics between the BMC & MXM are quite different. Hence the need for caution whilst they work out which bells and whistles will be needed to effect safe berthing. Just a guess.
  2. Thanks Lily. Are you saying that the test IS available?
  3. This is true but some men might not be aware that their grandfathers or uncles even had the disease. My understanding is that it's not just a single generation issue.
  4. It's only one way forward. A significant step would be to offer BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation counselling & screening at a much earlier age at say 40 if someone else in their family has is suffering or died from it. WebMD says: My eldest brother died from this terrible disease almost 3 years ago so I'm potentially at significant risk if it turns out that both myself and my other living brother have a gene mutation (there may be others). As far as I know these tests are not available on the NHS but can be bought on the private diagnostics market. One treatment option that never seems to be on the list even when you might have a gene mutation is a full prostatectomy to stop the damned thing from spreading, unlike a mastectomy for women.
  5. Yes it has and should be resisted at every level. It's not required or needed. It would be an utter waste of money.
  6. Andy Onchan


    If truth be known they probably don't get enough exercise outside of their seasonal 'work'. Any animal but in particular large horses require daily exercise to keep muscle mass in good shape.
  7. I have witnessed GPs refer to their NHS oracle (even Patient Access!) to check through symptom lists etc. before even attempting a diagnosis, and even then it's a case of "take a couple of paracetamols every four hour and it it doesn't improve over the next 48 hours ring up at 08:00 to make an appointment or go straight to A&E". And that from one GP who qualified back in 1991. So it's on a par with Dr Google.
  8. In a word.... thrusters! (as I've been told). I guess they need to get some practice in before carrying passengers.
  9. As I recall it was crew shortages that was cited as the reason for amalgamating those flights.
  10. I think you've misunderstood what MMP is saying.
  11. I understand that, completely. It makes sense. I'm just wondering what else GPs are going to offload for stuff that they've supposedly been trained for. You go into a GP clinic these days and the first thing they do is look up your symptoms on Google (or the NHS equivalent)!
  12. So what happens if you get an ear infection after the procedure, does the same private doc prescribe the antibiotics without having had sight of your medical records?
  13. It was this time last year when I had mine done.
  14. The last time I had to attend the GP for that same procedure it was done by the practice nurse. Is there not a Ramsey Practice nurse qualified to do that procedure?
  15. https://time.com/6292927/imo-global-shipping-emissions-climate-deal/
  16. 110% there's already someone lined up for this.
  17. I'm dumb. Please explain what you mean.
  18. You're going to have to explain that.
  19. Courtesy of GEF again: Do You Really Need to go to Hospital? https://gef.im/news/health/do-you-really-need-to-go-to-hospital-38801/ The answer is yes if you can't get a GP appointment within a reasonable time. You have to wonder how long we can sustain the GP tier in the health service. I get the impression that it's really not fit for purpose on the Island.
  20. https://gef.im/news/politics/concern-review-has-pre-determined-outcome-38687/
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