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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/letter-to-the-editor-treasurys-lack-of-transparency-631252
  2. The point I was making is that he seems to have a lot of influence on the direction of travel within CV and hence what constitutes musical heritage. Clearly the modern idiom doesn't fit in. If it did then there'd be some coverage.
  3. Isn't Culture Vannin Phil Gawne's baby?
  4. What about 'n mushy peas? You missed out the peas. That won't do.
  5. I hate the stuff with a passion, for the reasons given in the article. And why it's regarded as an "artisan" product I'll never know.
  6. Quite so. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/just-say-no-to-sourdough/
  7. How very dare you! Pinky & Perky more like. 😁
  8. Those were my thoughts at the time Glad, on hearing for the first time that there are/were plans on the Shelf. In fact I asked the missus (She of all things Manxness), "do you think there are plans on the shelf to deal with something like COVID?" . "Not a cat in hells chance, don't be so daft. This is the IOM. Now eat yer tea!".
  9. Would there be significant additional costs? Wouldn't the folk who already do the work where they sit now still be employed? At least there'd be some joined up approach to marketing the visitor experience, or at least you would think so.
  10. Brilliant. That's classic Sir Humphrey stuff!
  11. It doesn't really have much in the way of acoustics.
  12. So, how's the new CC settling in?
  13. Are you saying there's corruption afoot? Stu says unless you can prove it then it doesn't exist.
  14. That can't possibly be true as literally no one is hung out to dry, ever. It's the absolute opposite and you know it. You've even said that on your show.
  15. How the other half live, eh? 😁
  16. I wouldn't hold your breath. Our last two bills arrived 3 & 2 weeks (respectively) after the meters were allegedly read. But they were quick to send our reminders about supposedly late payment. When I get the invoice on time I'll pay it on time.
  17. No. 2 - 110% insufficient site investigation, I don't think even ground radar was used to determine the substructure or lack thereof. I also think there was an element of pressure from either or both Peel Ports and Liverpool Council to free up the existing landing stage area for further development of the cruse terminal, which I believe is not now going to happen (or indeed if it was ever a real consideration)!
  18. There are plenty of examples around the world where 3D is bypassed and test wells are drilled. It's not unusual. 3D won't necessarily tell what the flow rate is (or example) and that's key metric for deciding whether to proceed any further or not.
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