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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. A lot of Board Chairs weren't MHKS as I recall.
  2. And that's why Departmental government doesn't work. There aren't enough MHKs to go round for the number of departments that are required. It was much better, administratively, when we had the board system.
  3. CT's remit from COMIN was to break up the DOI into manageable pieces. He hasn't done that.
  4. Not one single entity comes out of the recent and ongoing debacle smelling of roses (even Ringy ones!). There needs to be a change in mindset and show the travelling public that there is substantial intent to make it happen. Without that the airport is doomed as the services can't be trusted and potential passengers will look to move their business to the ferry company (like me, for instance).
  5. Let's hope this event is not a one-off and shows there is intent by all parties to make this happen on a daily basis.
  6. What took you so long?
  7. Who owns that town square land, is it AXA??
  8. Why not make an offer to the Bond Brothers and run Loganair at arms length like the IOMSPCo? One of the current directors is ex Manx Airlines I believe.
  9. It's all relative Roger.
  10. Beans on toast?..... luxury!
  11. Here's more on DLH in Malta: https://www.lufthansa-technik.com/en/lufthansa-technik-malta
  12. In much the same as those of us had to contend with high interest rates (up to 15%) and low incomes in the late 70's and through virtually all the 1980's?
  13. The last time I had my hands around one of Sheila's Baps in Balthane was about 15 years ago. And very nice experience it was too! 😉
  14. But would be limited to aircraft type/size though? As I recall Malta used to do a lot of DLH maintenance at one time, not sure if that's still the case though.
  15. Deary, deary me! And to think that someone gets paid for putting that out.
  16. Anyone heard what's on the new 'menu'? I thought I read somewhere that an island-based chef has been appointed? I sincerely hope it's better than the BMC!
  17. I thought it was Sheila's Baps in Balthane?
  18. Re 2) if it does get as far as being built and then the company fails (for whatever reason) we'd be left with a huge property that would inevitably lie empty and be yet another blot on the landscape. So it's not all about risk and loss just for the investors etc. Re 3) I'm thinking of the time when the original investors will want to realise the gain on such high profile and profitable business. It could attract those that work in the current unregulated black market by washing their unregulated income, if you see what I mean. Anecdotal stories starting to come out of Malta make interesting hearing.
  19. Therein lies the rub. 1) legislation fit for purpose based on (as JW points out) proper research etc. Sounds like there are too many holes to plug. 2) will it really wash its face, financially? Somehow I doubt it 3) would it attract the wrong sort of "investors" when it's time for the original investors to sell or when new capital is required for expansion if it takes off?
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