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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. The Bishops stipend is paid from York ( I think).
  2. The only position available after a bishop will be Archbishop but to suggest that Sodor & Man is a place where you wind down and take it easy before retiring is nonsense. Noel Jones (d2009) & Robert Paterson both retired on health grounds and so will Bishop Peter. Graeme Knowles was appointed as Dean to St Pauls, London.
  3. Aye.... but is that superior posterior or posterior knowledge?
  4. Why mention that? I didn't. It didn't even cross my mind. IOM Police have said that they will review. I believe we should be told. From Manx Radio
  5. Speculation JW, primarily because IOM Constabulary made it very, very clear to the public at large they would prosecute....not ifs no buts..... but they didn't. So something must have happened along the line somewhere for them not to prosecute.
  6. Where on earth do you get that information from?
  7. How about the correct procedures or due process not being followed?
  8. 6 million? Don't be daft.... add a zero after the six and you'll be nearer the mark.
  9. Is it? I wouldn't know, I'll bow to your superior knowledge on these things. 🤣
  10. Not really. Rightly or wrongly the seat is there because the CoE is the established church, ie. it has legal status via Tynwald and not because of which wing he/she belongs to. The current bish is from the Anglo Catholic wing but previous incumbents have come from the evangelical wing, others middle of the road wing but to my knowledge that hasn't affected their pastoral responsibilities or their 'political' position in regard to Tynwald. If truth be known I suspect that most of them have regarded Tynwald as being a pain in the ass, something that has to be endured. So if the position is removed I don't think a new bishop would be that concerned or bothered to be honest. Although I'd like to think that rather than being ex officio that the Keys would vote for the bishop to take the seat because as far as I know the bishop does not hold a membership of any government department. The seat would be taken by convention and sit outside of the political arena. Any how, as others have said, there are far more pressing things to sort out. Bashing the Bish seems to me to be very shallow politics. Deal with the real issues of the day. Stop tinkering round the edges and get on with it.
  11. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/easyjet-cancelled-flights-gatwick-edinburgh-berlin-b2360133.html
  12. In case anyone is interested IATA have just opened their annual international passenger survey (I haven't looked at it yet): https://go.updates.iata.org/global-passenger-survey
  13. Official case number or reference.
  14. I understand the disposal issue. The question is, was an official case raised for that caution to be issued? If there was then why weren't they Charged to Appear, especially since Plod have been banging on about how they would prosecute, no excuses??
  15. That was my understanding as well.
  16. I'm probably wrong but in my mind I'm not sure that the caution would be legal without a case and intent to prosecute. If there was no case then there should be no caution.
  17. Not sure I follow the logic on this. If those people were unable to be prosecuted due to a screw up with process/procedure how can they be cautioned? Shirley there has to be a reasonable chance of conviction with due procedure before deciding to issue a caution? Without that reasonable chance then a caution falls away?
  18. And when you eventually get there.... https://simpleflying.com/airport-airline-strikes-uk-summer-2023/?newsletter_popup=1
  19. Dog shit, you forgot the dog shit. 😂
  20. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-65276126
  21. Euphemisms abound on here today!
  22. I suspect the 1950's nationalism and the perceived identity crisis that you refer to isn't weird to those who are still alive or were born in the immediate aftermath of WW2, whether you were a come-over or not. I was born in the fifties, my brothers were born immediately after the war and I think it's fair to say that my parents and millions of others didn't have much other than the pride as a nation, a British nation, that they survived the war. The Isle of Man certainly paid the price in both world wars, you only have to look at the village and town memorials to realise that. Those lives lost and those that survived were not fighting only for IOM but for Britain, the whole, the bigger picture. It mattered. And to some it still does. If anyone asks me what nationality I am I always say British not English, which technically I am being brought up and having lived in the East Midlands for the first 25 years of my life. I certainly think that there's an element of faux British nationalism in UK politics. And I think the Special Relationship (or lapdog as you prefer) with USA is as a direct result of both world wars as well.
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