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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Don't believe everything you read about the mediterranean diet!
  2. Indeed. The material is oakum which as I recall is from hemp?? As far as I'm concerned anything other than the above is a sealant.
  3. Can't wait to read it!
  4. Caulk is/was used in traditional wooden boat building.
  5. This. It's a very competitive market here for that type of business and for which you need very, very deep pockets.
  6. which reminds me of a story.... a drinking acquaintance of mine who I met in one of the Stan countries (former USSR) admitted to me over a beer late one night that he'd caught the clap. When I asked if he'd been to see the MO he said, "no, one of the locals suggested it would clear up if I used some of this Kefir stuff" (I was familiar with Kefir from a couple trips to Turkey). So I asked him how many bottles of Kefir he needed to drink to contain the clap? There was a fairly long pause and then he said, "you're supposed to drink it?"
  7. Our last invoice was read on 17/05 and arrived by post 07/06. The e-billing thingy hasn't worked since I signed up for it on 10/02/23. I can get access to "My Documents" after signing in but the last two invoices are not listed. ETA: And I do wonder how secure their server is given the fact that they can't even get the simple things right.
  8. I've had good service from both in the past until recently which, as Numbnuts has said, has been down to lack of availability of the medicines more than anything else.
  9. It's nowt to do with pharmacists per se. It's all about wringing as much profit out of the business model that works for them.... and that's wholesale and in-hospital pharmacies, that's where the money is. I've travelled around a bit (not as much as others on here) but some of the places I have been to (especially during the latter part of the Soviet period and in the immediate aftermath of the collapse) and the only pharmacies you could find are those that dispense prescribed medication only. No fancy perfumes, soaps, quackery (and other stuff that's bad for you, sweets etc) you very often see in Lloyds (as an example), just a simple basic prescription service paid for by the dept of health. A lot of OTC stuff sold in pharmacies are available in supermarkets anyway, so all that's required for a pharmacy is a door with a couple of hatches with the rest of the property filled with proper stocks of medicine. The times I've gone to get my medication only to be told that "it's on back order and should be in tomorrow".
  10. 'Tis the way of things on Mann. Isle of Man....Where You Can..... piss away taxpayers (& ratepayers) money with impunity.
  11. You're too late. IOM Creameries already export cheese to North America.
  12. I was referring to the students.
  13. What does DHSC/Nobles get out of this training arrangement, financially?
  14. That's exactly how I read all of this. The position is already filled.
  15. But there are already two inward investment "Managers". Are they that inundated with inward migration that they can't cope? I really can't see that being the case.
  16. You missed the point of my post.
  17. All this shite for a population of only 85K. We'd be royally fooked if we ever meet the new resident targets. And..... why is the government engaging in promoting an even bigger two tier society? If ever there was an outward sign of a "them & us" then this "prestige" parking arrangement is the manifestation of further inequality. IOM never used to be like that.
  18. How long has Nobles been a training hospital?
  19. Aye, there was many a time that Rodney Kennish was compromised between unloading the coal boat and the Smoke Room (?) in the British! Those were the days. And real characters too.
  20. The point is, there'll be no difference between the quality of life on Mann and UK. IOM will have lost not only any fiscal advantage but general well being. The advantage of being in UK at that point is that there'll be a greater choice in the "cultural" market.
  21. There'll be a steady exodus when tax rates go up, which they'll have to increase to stem the financial hole that's getting bigger and bigger and showing no signs of stopping.
  22. It's not just confined to their mobile network. Our office broadband has been severely affected at times, mostly during race times. Not sure how that works but it does affect the broadband as well.
  23. Correct. The elephant in the room is being deliberately ignored. The problem is that there is no moratorium on new positions. It's an absolutely crazy situation. Unless they stop employing new people then it will only get worse.
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