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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. No, previously racked up debt is the main driver. They have admitted that.
  2. The order to increase income is from Treasury. They won't reduce any headcounts in any departments (which is where the serious numbers are) so the only other alternative is to flip the other side of the coin. Non Believer has been banging on about this for quite some time. And he's right. IOMG have run out of alternatives.
  3. Could someone please tell me what the purpose of the Legacy TT lap was all about?
  4. Sunday morning @ approx. 05:30 the noise was almost incessant along the Onchan and Laxey/Ramsey road.. And vicky verky after the racing.
  5. So places like Shetland, Aberdeen, Montrose, Tyneside, Great Yarmouth and many other UK east coast towns and cities never benefited from those years of Oil and latterly gas development?
  6. It's still going to require a lot of investment. to get to that point.
  7. Oh the irony. The 'Dream' , it seems, is still a dream:
  8. Contradictions are further down the corridor.
  9. I made exactly the same point earlier. Sheer madness.
  10. https://motorcyclefunerals.com/from-sheet-metal-worker-to-motorcycle-minister-the-inspirational-story-of-the-faster-pastor-and-his-sidecar-hearse The bit I can't quite get my head round is this comment:
  11. If the DOI have any input then Peel will end up looking like any other seaside town in the UK; pseudo granite, lots of pedestrian areas that are not really pedestrian areas, unnecessary street furniture, coloured tarmac etc etc. Whatever they do it will look bland and uninteresting. Oh....and fuck it up.
  12. Indeed. Heads in sand syndrome.
  13. A few years back during TT I was working behind the bar in the Mike Hailwood Centre (when Vagabonds RFC were the tenants) when a sidecar outfit driver and his chair came in and ordered a pint each. Getting towards the bottom of their glasses the driver took some tablets out of his leathers (I assumed painkillers as he had a funny walk and gait) and washed them down with his last swallow of ale. I should say that they had just finished their race. I did wonder later in the day if he did that before the race as well. I'd like to think not but some painkillers are very strong and no doubt carry warnings about operating machinery and driving etc.
  14. It's relative peanuts at this stage, the real commitment will be the full field development costs.
  15. You mean they didn't have enough money to start with?
  16. Calling Mollag with a photo!
  17. Shushhhhhhh, please!
  18. Any idea when they're due to do the tram crossings in Laxey & Baldrine (and fill the holes in either side of the tram lines whilst they're at it)? A UK registered car (presume visitor) had a very, very close shave last week in Laxey which I'm convinced was down to the road markings being almost invisible. The yellow hatching before, on and after the tram lines are almost nonexistent.
  19. Haven't the sharks been elsewhere during the last 18 months or so? There was an article recently about that. They're still around but just not in the Irish Sea.
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