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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Andy Onchan


    Perhaps they should deal with the unfinished projects first and start demanding project deposits on planning approval to cover the costs of smartening up those sites once they've been left abandoned (Duke street for starters).
  2. And annoyingly it doesn't rhyme! 😁
  3. For me what it does go to prove is that Ashford & COMIN should NEVER, EVER have allowed the health CEO to be based off-island. Many of us on this forum at the time Magson was appointed expressed the view that it's not possible to run a dept as complex as DHSC (even without a pandemic). Much of the role centred around Nobles but that is is only one part of a bigger operation. And quite why COMIN are persisting with the Director of Public Health to do the same is beyond belief.
  4. Couple of things.... Is fuel costing segregated now for commercial vehicles? Can you tell us, specifically, why adding a transport levy/duty/fee onto a product that has already landed on IOM soil can't be done? It's not rocket science or mathematical bollocks. Why do so many of these issues get thrown into the "Hard to Do" tray? Might it be because the status quo is actually producing more revenue than the fairer alternative?
  5. Whichever way you look at it I think the words are, "institutionally corrupt".
  6. She was untouchable because as far as I was told she was on secondment and under contract, not an employee. I doubt a service contract was even signed and even if they did there'll have been all sorts of get out clauses etc.
  7. I thought most of the recent slots came available by courtesy on FlyBe?
  8. Do you know that for fact?
  9. It's all very well hypothesizing over which airline would be best but at the end of the day it all boils down to which airline has the rights at the airports we need connections to/from/with and how often.
  10. Magson wasn't even an employee, was she??
  11. I'm convinced the Shaw's Brow Car Park is actually manned by someone in a portacabin in deepest, darkest Lincolnshire or more likely in a closet in DBC town hall! On a couple occasions the barrier was raised way before I got anywhere near for the ANPR scanner to read my number plate on exiting.
  12. Isn't a good proportion of that to do with the Larch disease issue?
  13. So is the food salty?
  14. More like 60% I should think.
  15. One has to ask the question.... where the feck has all this tax gone? If I recall the airport accounts were in a mess a while back.... were they ever sorted and a proper set of accounts drawn up?
  16. No one is asking for subsidised fares now. All folk are asking for is the airport management to do their job and sort out the issues that can be solved relatively easily. The Report really is a recipe for disaster and unnecessary expenditure.
  17. And all of the above can be handled by the existing management, both at the airport and in the DOI Starship. Chris.... you've got it wrong, don't listen to those who think they know because they don't. Listen to those who use the airport on a regular basis. It really isn't rocket science.
  18. I still can't believe that they are seriously looking to go ahead with corporatization. It's an admission that they can't fix relatively easy operational issues and have given up and the "hard to do tray" just gets bigger. It's pathetic.
  19. I went straight for the jugular....the recommendation & conclusion.
  20. Here's the Minister's Report to Tynwald and it's one mighty tome!: https://www.tynwald.org.im/spfile?file=/business/opqp/sittings/20212026/2023-GD-0028.pdf ETA: And I see his answer to the problems is to employ more people.
  21. Andy Onchan


    If true, that is absolutely appalling. Shouldn't LFT kits be provided by the employers in much the same way as protective clothing is?
  22. "I refer the honourable member to my previous answer"......
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