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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. It was banned when UK was in EU.
  2. Zero coal tar in it these days (we use the same brand), it was banned about 30 odd years ago I think.
  3. Hey you! Stop casting nasturtiums on my character!
  4. Tourism is about all that we've got to offer/give. We have the asset (the Island itself), partial infrastructure and transport links. The last two need to be taken out of the "hard to do" tray and get on with improving them to make it worthwhile for visitors to step ashore and to keep returning. We don't need more residents, we need more visitors and preferably all year round.
  5. I'm sure they are. Just a thought..... isn't it subjective, assuming it's based on what really matters and that's taste?
  6. What, exactly, does that mean?
  7. Aye.... the Island's advocates would have a field day! And the Courts sitting 24/7.
  8. You'd be hard pushed to claim it's fiction. 😁
  9. I was thinking the same last week.
  10. No I haven't. What did it do to F1, preach to the converted?
  11. If DfE were involved then it's an open cheque book. Whatever they ask for they seem to get.
  12. Even charities have to compete. I'm guessing their biggest competitor is/was Hospice.
  13. I ceased subscribing to the digital editions 18 months ago when they put the price up. When I feel like it I buy the Examiner and after reading it then shred it up to put on the compost heap!
  14. "Robinsons" people I was told. Yes it was the Bibby family that lived there. I recall being told that the Bibby's kept the gardens open until some hooligan came along and damaged some property in the grounds. Not sure if that was true or whether they never opened it at all after the purchase.
  15. I think seaweed was banned from being put on the land due to it sloshing around with what comes from the outflow in the bay.
  16. Hopefully we're not subsidizing Costa, they should pay the full whack for rent. I'd probably agree that we don't need an all-singing-all-dancing landside cafe with the size that it is now. A couple of small kiosks offering a different range of drink & food/snacks would probably work. But I do think that capital expenditure on extending the departure lounge area would be a good move. Could also introduce another drink/food operator to ensure there is at least some competition. The important thing is, IMHO, we don't need development managers or their ilk to sort out this kind of basic stuff. It's a complete waste of money. All that is required is common sense. Nothing more.
  17. So how much will that reduce the funding gap by? Genuine question as I have no idea.
  18. There are a lot of guests looking at this particular forum. I wonder why?
  19. It's not a commercial operation as such, Banker. It's a lifeline transport hub that residents and visitors should be able to rely on in reasonably comfortable surroundings. I have no issue with my tax money being used to support the operation and infrastructure PROVIDING it is managed properly. Right now that's not happening. Corporatization is not the answer.
  20. If they weren't so expensive and the place was made more inviting then they might get more customers. And it's only going to get worse as they're going to get a hammering when it's corporatized and the rents shoot up to "commercial" rates. We simply don't have the volume of traffic for corporatizing either the air or land side of the the operations and the money they have just spent on hiring a development director and others' is going to be wasted, gone, never to be seen again in any form. You really don't need to be an expert or a genius to see that it's not going to work.
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