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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. They clearly haven't thought about what effect that the reduced free time will have on the cafe and shop upstairs. A lot of visitors to the airport are either dropping people off or waiting for the arrivals. In the case of departures when their guests have gone through security they will go upstairs to wave goodbye at boarding time. Whilst waiting they'll have a drink and/or something to eat. Similarly whilst waiting for passengers to arrive. The reduction in free parking time will do nothing for the businesses on the landside. Eejits!
  2. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/wrong-table-included-in-health-department-foi-says-minister/ It just goes to show that there's a major disconnect between DHSC, MC and Treasury (who are the ones driving all of these so-called cuts).
  3. https://www.gov.im/media/1379202/2023-terms-of-reference-eia.pdf
  4. But aren't they opening up after the winter, as usual and in the same way that many other hospitality services companies do?
  5. As much as I would like to believe all of this will happen, it won't any time soon and that's according to MUA themselves. And neither will it be cheap energy. The legacy of prior projects has still to be paid for. I'm nearer to 70 than 60 and I reckon there'll still be massive debt to be serviced by the time I pop my clogs and probably by the time you snuff it as well.
  6. Realistically, that's the only way forward. I've been saying that for years.
  7. Is this the same man who asked what the price of a postage stamp was?
  8. I think you'll find it's the Ramseyites that get stuck in the traffic queues, especially when the Mountain Road is closed.
  9. So are you suggesting that cheap energy is on the way, any time soon?
  10. You've not thought this one through, have you? Those that you want to "encourage" here over the next 30 years will be pensioners.... the same as those that you are now saying will be tin hat wearers and draining the pot.
  11. And apparently we have the fastest broadband in the world.... by god someone in DfE has been telling him some bollox!
  12. Lots of people died from bad colds resulting in pneumonia and other serious respiratory conditions well before CV, see ONS stats. And you're suggesting that CV was/is just a bad cold? The symptoms might be flu-like but the rate of transmission was staggering. Sorry, I don't buy that. The one good thing that's come out of this is that vaccines work.
  13. But those on VDSL (irrespective of the quality/speed of the connection) are going to get hit with the price increases, those that are on fibre aren't. However, those VDSL users who are also taxpayers have stumped up part of the £10 million already paid MT to have the connection changed. And it hasn't happened. Why pay more than they should?
  14. Indeed. Even in parts of that great metropolis called Onchan some are nowhere near being connected to fibre yet. Question for CURA chairman & CEO and also OFT: Have MT finished the Island-wide rollout of fibre yet that we the GMT have handed over £10 million for?? If not then these rises are unfair.
  15. Both MT & Sure mobile packages are crap. You only have to trawl through t'internet and look at what's available to see that we're being sold well short.
  16. Have you taken the issue/problem of the original installation with CURA?
  17. And don't forget the MUA owns the sub-sea cable that connects us to the rest of the world, who in turn charges MT to use it. Win Win for the MUA.
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