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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Well, if there's more footfall on the horizon it will probably get changed to a 30mph zone anyway, in which case only a zebra crossing is required.
  2. I'm guessing that with lights in a 40mph zone is just as dangerous as a zebra in a 30mph zone (which is what I reckon it should be). Stopping distance for 40mph = 24M and 30mph = 14M.
  3. It would be an interesting statistic to know what proportion of appointments are made online and whether it really is worth trying to make appointments if the choice is so binary.
  4. Does it have to be controlled by lights? Why not a combination of calming measures and signs?
  5. Would be interesting to know how they manage their diary for when you have to call because nothing that is offered online works for the patient.
  6. Looks like even non-urgent visits have to be booked by ringing in.
  7. There was only one doctor available for each surgery location. And in both instances the only available times were mornings.
  8. Because there's more than one: Current Practitioners (GPs) Dr S Chandra Dr K Christian MBChB MRCP DFSRH MRCGP Dr N Ardern Dr V Neel Dr I D S Duffus Practice Nurses Debby Ashe (RGN) Louise Thomas (RGN)
  9. Not forever. Will check. ETA: Just checked and working. Earliest available is 27th April, choice of one doctor only.
  10. I fail to understand how, when she was 25+ years(?) as a GP, she managed to find time to be a medical director for a NHS authority at the same time. How's that work when she has no front line experience with the emergency services? I wait to be educated by Wrighty at some point.
  11. LGW morning flight cancelled.
  12. Ahhh, a much better class of Premier Inn there then?
  13. £60K??? That'll be a mere bagatelle to some HNWIs here. ETA: If they can't land then I'm sure there'll be a Premier Inn room available @ LPL or MAN 😂
  14. Nor Onchan & Laxey surgeries, which is a damned nuisance.
  15. I reckon we should encourage Sir John to apply. He'd sort the feckers out!
  16. You must have a very, very big garden then. Or a farm perhaps?
  17. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/civil-servants-fear-speaking-out-of-line-says-mlc/
  18. I'm a bit behind on this story...where was that statement posted? And what has Energy FM got to do with it, I can't see anything on any website referring to the above..
  19. Just another thing for Plod to worry about if there's something really serious going on. Mind, as Glad said they'll be asking soon enough for any footage to help them with their enquiries!
  20. Assuming the method statement was approved, shirley?
  21. How does that compare with things like unit labour costs and minimum wage levels at those times?
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