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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Of course communism worked.... everyone was equal except those at the top were more equal than the rest.
  2. Isle of Man....... Where You Can... sit on both sides of the fence when the narrative changes.
  3. The VAT threshold should probably be reviewed in light of what's gone on in recent years: VAT Notice 700_1_ supplement - GOV.UK - www.gov.uk.pdf
  4. All that money spent on attending the Glasgow COP26 Summit in 2021 was wasted then.
  5. Indeed. High tide and it would be an offshore wind farm, low tide and it'd be an onshore wind farm (well, almost!)
  6. The siting of any wind farm on Bahama Bank would be interesting, engineering-wise! 😁
  7. I've always said VAT is an iniquitous and inequitable tax.
  8. Well the then DEFA CEO at the time thought it was a good idea and put his name to it.
  9. You wait years for a wind farm bus to come along and we get two in one day. Who would have guessed? https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/offshore-wind-power-company-to-set-up-office-on-isle-of-man/ Are they connected by any chance?
  10. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/brass-neck
  11. It's just the equivalent of an interest-only mortgage arrangement.
  12. And one would hope that it was constructed from locally grown timber.
  13. It will all be refinanced at rates substantially more than what is being paid now. None of the capital will be repaid.
  14. And rising for 22/23 and probably for 23/24 as well.
  15. But there is a difference. Interest payments will go on ad infinitum until Treasury say stop (which is very unlikely). Repaying capital as well suggests payments will continue until the amount borrowed is fully repaid and future payments fall away thereby improving cashflow. As it stands at the moment that ain't gonna happen.
  16. I thought they were paying just the interest on the loan?
  17. We have some excellent IOM Tour Guides (I've tagged along on a couple of them) and they do get an opportunity to earn a crust from the cruise vessels, so that's at least one part of the local economy that benefits. Sorry, forgot to add the link: https://isleofmantourguides.org/
  18. Absolutely agree. In an ideal world both Longtail & Black should have been brought in front of Tynwald to make a public apology and have their pensions withdrawn. We could have been looking at multiple deaths with that runaway tram on the mountain. It's quite staggering to think that if there were deaths those who were in charge could have literally gotten away with murder.
  19. That's why there's a Chaplain.
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