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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I wonder what the mitigation was for not handing down the max fine of £20K?? And shouldn't that be for each offence?
  2. Maintenance or lack of. Remember, DOI (and by extension some of their constituent organisations) don't 'do' maintenance. Far too low brow to be involved or bothered with that sort of thing.
  3. Aye, an interesting choice of word ("inaccurate") used in the update when I read the MR article. To me certain aspects of the story would either have been a downright lie or to put it kindly an untruth.
  4. Cristiano Ronaldo Museum???!!!! FFS.
  5. Another pound to a penny that the building in the old photo is the same house that has been evacuated, albeit reduced in height (although I suspect the road level has been raised by quite a feet). Somehow I don't think the original building would have been a mine. A pumphouse for the well maybe?
  6. There's been some land disturbance in the not too distant past (since 2010 at least) on the Old Laxey Road and the road itself has been shored up using concrete panel structures next to that house and almost directly above where the landslip is . The white concrete panels can be seen quite clearly to the right of the house from Charles Guard's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWhGYs4iH-Y&ab_channel=CharlesGuardVideos And from Google Maps (directly underneath where the barriers are located): https://www.google.com/maps/@54.2237375,-4.3949454,3a,60y,227.28h,74.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slXkStlS87z2sYdZgpnzd3Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Pound to a penny that the extensions on the back of the house and the road disturbance plus rainfall we've had over the last few years will have been a contributory factor, and made worse by undermining the layers of rockfall which in turn was holding back the vegetation at the bottom of the cliff. If you go to the top of the Hill towards the tram crossing and look back you will see that the first house has very little in the way of a back garden or even a yard. Its a precipice right next to the back door: yard:https://www.google.com/maps/@54.2229998,-4.3960983,3a,75y,86.9h,75.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_IaPUDdcJF3lbgjwBkirFg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Most of the houses on that side of the road have had extensions built facing out toward the sea. I wonder how many of them have been anchored into the bedrock? Last Wednesday's prolonged and heavy rain was the worst I've seen in a long time.
  7. If I recall correctly the RESA project was Reynolds predecessors baby. She was imported to manage the project. She only became AD after a year and half (approx.): https://www.isleofman.com/news/view/21971760/new-director-at-ronaldsway
  8. £71+ grand, if you please. We really are scraping the barrel with nutcases like these two.
  9. Only "fairly good" at their jobs?
  10. Well, with Jersey having an arrangement there is at least a precedent which should count in our favour?
  11. How do you know that the properties above the site are on soil and not bedrock? Soil on top of bedrock maybe. I can't imagine it would be soil only directly below the footings.
  12. Me too! Ahhhh....the days of (relative) innocence!
  13. Was KQ a coroner at one point, or am I thinking of someone else?
  14. So it needs a big flashing neon sign saying "get your drugs here" for you to recognise that it exists? And, it's pretty much island-wide.
  15. Parents claim children as young as 11 offered drugs in park https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/parents-claim-children-as-young-as-11-offered-drugs-in-park/
  16. Would you have stood for 50% of the remuneration, you know, like public service is a reward in itself? 😁
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