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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. But they can't/couldn't even recover the costs of running the business (despite or in spite of it being "little"), never mind turning in a surplus to be used for future development. Barry Murphy is correct, the current economic climate doesn't justify the tariff increases of past failures to address the core issue.... tackling costs.
  2. But the airport car park is a car park and so the regs should be available for the users to view, easily. By parking your car there then surely a contract exists? Whether the regs are sensible or not is another matter.
  3. So that's where all the feckin' Bourbons went from Tecso's.... the Bar Stewards!
  4. Simple answer is.... there won't be any savings.
  5. Indeed and as I have said previously RC hasn't learnt the "less is more" political strategy. He always feels he has to say something, anything. And that's probably because he likes the sound of his own voice. Outside of national politics he's a very good constituency Member, in much the same way that Quirkio was (I know a lot on here won't like to read that but I know it to be true).
  6. I know it was the Exec Council, I was using COMIN as it's the current exec body. Tynwald could do a lot worse by not inviting the LG back.
  7. Yes but I'll bet you he's got them on the wrong feet! 🤣
  8. Exactly. The priority on spending should be the Tower not fucking directors or managers of this, that and the other. Yet another cart before the horse moment.
  9. Protocol??? Wasn't it the Manx (Charlie Kerruish) who kicked the Lt Governor off COMIN, thinking they knew better (Manx solutions for Manx problems)? An outside pair of eyes and ears is not a recipe for a constitutional crisis, it's called good governance.
  10. How is it arms length to IOMG? Has IOMG formed a new company for this purpose and we've not been told? I doubt it could sustain the infrastructure and operational capability that it currently has let alone any further additions to the payroll or any other development.
  11. You mean he of George Frideric fame?
  12. Very possibly but I did speak with one couple who were on their way to Manchester (for some cancer treatment, as I recall) who chose not to fly. So I assumed they wouldn't be the only ones.
  13. How much of that increase is down to folk going across for medical treatment? There seem to be an increasing number of cars lined up after check-in to load first along with exec club members.
  14. Who's the "one of the red trouser brigade" then?
  15. It's time the Lt. Governor was brought back to Chair COMIN along with re-establishing the Chief Secretary's proper role as head of the CS. This ministerial system has gotten out of control. No one appears to be in charge or capable of instilling discipline for the elected or the executive.
  16. That agreement says more about what's not in it than the actual contents.
  17. Indeed. Government is the problem, not the solution.
  18. Is MDC charged by Treasury with making a profit? Somehow I doubt it. Cost recovery perhaps. nd as far as your last paragraph is concerned by the time we get to that stage it will be too late and any funding handed over to maintain those sorts of salaries will have been for nowt, except to the individuals concerned. The people heading up this "department", whoever they are (I don't know any of them and have no wish to) probably can't believe their luck if they fail.
  19. The accounts only tell you limited information and you still have to pay to view the corporate records in Companies Registry. Why should we pay for something that we, the taxpayer, already own and are entitled to know?
  20. Buildings WE own. We're paying for it.
  21. As Peter Kay would say... "t'late, yer t'late"! 🤣
  22. No idea of the total number who are fairweather drivers/riders but there are two households in our small cul-de-sac who only drag their m/cycles out during clement weather.
  23. The land already owned was given up for sports as part of the complex up there years ago. I'm pretty sure either the rugby club and/or the football had plans for that land at one point. I wonder if they were put off the idea by DoI knowing full well that it was going to be used for other purposes?
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