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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I heard that two Filipino health workers and their families have walked for the very same reason outlined above. The "Plan" to increase the population is going nowhere until and unless the housing situation is rectified. The Good Doctor needs to get out more.
  2. Almost 100% sure that's what happened with all of the recent owners, in the form of management fees etc. Banco Spririto (or whatever they called themselves) were laughing all the way to their own bank when WE purchased it. I bet they couldn't believe their luck.
  3. That rings a bell, so is probably correct. The Golden Goose... or something along those lines.
  4. In the grand scheme of things the £1million divi from IOMSPCo is peanuts (yes I know, it would pay for a few nurses if there are any out there). Treasury should have IOMSPCo provide a limited period/out of season non-resident discounted tourist fares scheme and start getting bums in IOM beds. People = money.
  5. That wooden crate would come in handy for my new raised bed. And I'll have the gate as well. I could make a decent compost bin with that.
  6. No. I believe it should go direct to the Treasury general account to pay for health, education etc. It shouldn't be used to prop up any specific department.
  7. The £££ amount generated via the Registry is not pennies. I'd think twice about handing all of that dosh over to a regulator so that they can build an unnecessary empire. Having said that where Registry currently resides with DfE is also the wrong place. I can't help thinking that some of the charges levied by the Registry are akin to a tax.
  8. Point taken, it's OK it's someone else's kids. I see where you're coming from now.
  9. If anyone out there knows someone who supplies these on the Island I'd appreciate if they would PM me. Cheers Andy
  10. And what of the children today, right now, who are mining the minerals (cobalt) for the batteries? Google "Batteries Child Labour". The list is endless.
  11. I agree but brand new cars are the worst. Much more worserer!
  12. And while they're at it please can they test headlight alignments. Some of these new generation cars with very, very bright LED lights are a joke. Blinding or what?
  13. Aren't the Courts required by law to provide a list of cases (including names) to be viewed by Joe Public? I seem to remember years and years ago a notice board outside the old courthouse in Athol street with that info... having said that I may have misremembered!
  14. But we can't afford the upkeep of the current infrastructure. The MUA/IOMG/GMT will be permanently debt laden. Debt on top of debt on top of debt.
  15. Has anyone given any thought to the longer term financial committment for maintaining, replacement and sustainability of these turbines? These costs will be on top of whatever the budget is for the power station.
  16. This. And lots of it. Happened to me.
  17. If the government stopped/banned this stupid bank staffing arrangement we'd have a proper nursing and medical service.
  18. It's not all doom and gloom.... I hear a new deli on Windsor Rd has just opened?
  19. Cliquey? That can't be right, they let me enter the lieder tenor class a few years back!
  20. Which puts me in mind of this (mathematical bollocks): https://youtu.be/8JoERQE7EFA
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