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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I think you'll find that Ramsey is the centre of the universe.
  2. The purpose for posting it was to highlight the fact that there is a strategy.... whether it's the right one is another matter.
  3. https://www.visitisleofman.com/trade/marketing-our-island/marketing-strategy/campaign-overview
  4. Just thought I'd throw this into the mix: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/paul-beckett-frsa-mciarb-tep-4664ba25_death-tax-planning-offshore-euthanasia-activity-7017803489011453952-BXpD?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  5. Hands off Ballafletcher Sports Ground! There's plenty of room across the road on the actual Nobles site.
  6. You and I both know there'll be no savings.... because the less volume that goes into the incinerator = increased charges from the EfW plant to pay for fuel to keep the damned thing going.
  7. Oh I hope not. It's reminiscent of Stalinist style blocks that you see dotted around former soviet union cities in eastern Europe.
  8. In the grand scheme of things office space really shouldn't be necessary. I can see why it might be attractive as an income generator but only if it's occupied and there's oodles of office space available in Douglas. That space should be turned over to much needed mid-market rental accommodation to relieve the pressure on those who really need to be in social housing. ETA: If I'm not mistaken 20,000sqf is just under half an acre. There must be the equivalent of hectares of empty office space available right now.
  9. It'll be £10 million. It's always a case with IOMG, you have to look at the starting number and double it.
  10. I thought the claim was to do with documents being produced post-event. Wasn't there a suggestion that the meta data proved that?
  11. Most of them single I believe.
  12. And skirting boards... What about the skirting boards?
  13. Quite so. I feel a degree of plagiarism coming on or at least a half completed template of what is already known.
  14. New teachers leave for a variety of reasons and I would hazard a guess and suggest that pupil behaviour, or lack of, would feature high on their reasons for leaving. It's not just down to compensation.
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