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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. First and foremost it's a public service, the taxpayer comes first and profit later, if indeed it does need to make a profit. If i'm not mistaken the early morning owl service was initially set up as part of the anti drink-driving campaign (2018, Spew'n Juan and all that?), so it's clear the service was set up for a public service reason. It wasn't something that was just plucked out of the air. Whether 01:15 or 00:15 should be the last departure time I guess should be up for evaluation. However, using state assets for private hire after either of those times and without that review/evaluation taking place is simply wrong.
  2. If true then we're now getting a very different story.
  3. If the income from the registries was removed from the DfE budget then there'd be a massive financial shortfall in support for these agencies. I doubt any of them would wash their face.
  4. Here's the link to the registration (13.04.2018): https://www.gov.im/media/1360386/1700289regbld-consultees-registration-notice-160418.pdf Who out there knows the date of acquisition??
  5. How is that possible? At the date of acquisition it either had an order on it or it didn't. If it did then they would surely have been aware of it as part of their due diligence process.
  6. That's pretty shit due diligence (if correct), if I might say.
  7. The big worry currently is stagflation. In principle Truss wasn't wrong, going for growth was right in theory. The issue is how to break out of a stagflation cycle.
  8. Either as taxpayer and/or passenger we're screwed. The service is neither one thing or another.
  9. And what about those that work in the hospitality industry? Are they not allowed to use the service? Don't they deserve a service that their taxes pay for?
  10. Carbon footprint after one-time use is something that is not fully recognised. Incinerating plastics (especially) takes it out of the carbon chain once and for all. The problem is getting both consumers and manufacturers/producers to reduce consumption of plastics as packaging.
  11. What about supposedly fixed-term contacts? You can probably add at least 2K to that list.
  12. You mean like it used to be before the ministerial system was foisted on us?! Too many chiefs and not enough indians.
  13. Quite so. On Sunday morning driving from Douglas to Onchan along Governors Rd @ 00:45 was a publicly paid for bus proudly lit up as "Private Hire". Where do Bus Vannin priorities lie?
  14. Always made me laugh when the SNP wheeled out Sean Connery for the Independence voting farago. He lived the best part of his life in the Bahamas and France.
  15. Scottish Nationalism at any and all cost. Sadly some SNP Mel Gibson "Freedom" followers have been taken in by this bunch of loonies.
  16. I was aware of that because that was part of the conversation between the two people who were talking about it yesterday. The inference was that is was a sale (as opposed to a sail!).
  17. Whilst on the HEY-IOM sailing yesterday afternoon I was told that IOMSPCo have disposed of MV Arrow. Anyone else heard that?
  18. I flew into MUC on Wednesday at 07:15 and left for MAN at 09:30 and all was working as it should. No cancellations during that period at all.
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