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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I know which one you refer to. Same here, the only time I ever saw that bottle was at Christmas. My father would have about 1/4 teaspoon in a large whiskey topped off with lemonade. I have a feeling it might have been a ginger syrup. Failing that there was always a small bottle of Crabbies.
  2. Thought so. They'll be keeping a low profile as this is partly of their making.
  3. I'd be more worried if I was with the old woman if that happened!
  4. Were there any DOI bods (responsible for the incinerator) at the meeting?
  5. But exceedingly good, surely?
  6. JUst tried clicking on the download link but it's failed..... has it been taken down?
  7. Andy Onchan


    Look, if we can afford skirting boards for vaccination centres then we can jolly well afford the Mother of All Grits. Just do it!
  8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2-r28Mx0quM
  9. Possible John but not sure why £2m would have been mentioned against the background of the final CV number which was closer to £5.5m. Whatever, the fact that Loginair are the only operator on the LHR & LCY routes I don't see a need for non-disclosure of the costs if taxpayer funds are involved.
  10. Don't forget that great institution The Baltic Exchange...... oh and the Villa toilets!
  11. What I'm trying to recall was definitely post-CV, only a matter of a couple of months, three at the most.
  12. Welcome to the real supply chain world. Parcel business is tendered. The only way IOMP will get a look in is if they ally/partner themselves with major SC & Logistics operators in UK who tender for that business. Sadly Royal Mail are playing directly into the hands of the 'private' operators.
  13. They certainly had three development managers at one point.
  14. I'm pretty sure I heard or read a politician let slip £2m being the amount paid for the previous 12 months up to the month preceding the "announcement" (Sept I think). Having said that I've just spent an half an hour looking for it online and can't find any reference to it. I'm pretty sure I haven't made it up. We know that during CV it was in excess of £5m and that's well documented and given the initial slow take up/return earlier this year it wouldn't surprise me if that £2m is not far wide of the mark.
  15. Is it undisclosed? I'm not sure it is.
  16. Well of course you wouldn't. Goes without saying. 😁
  17. A far as I can see there's no cogent argument for the change.
  18. To be honest I'm not fully sure I understand what the DBC rationale is behind the change. None of it makes sense. I have no skin on the game not being a DBC ratepayer but I've yet to read from (anywhere) the stats proving that such a move is in the best interests of of said DBC ratepayers, either economically, environmentally or a combination of both. Frank has challenged me to provide proof that the incinerator is using fuel more often to keep it going when there is insufficient tonnage. It's all there in the Suez reports. What he (and presumably his fellow councillors) don't seem to understand is that whilst encouraging ratepayers to recycle more means less tonnage in the incinerator and so therefore more fuel being to be used to keep it going. And, whether it's collected every week or every two weeks makes no difference coz it's still the same volume of shit over a given period (a month, qtr, hy, yearly). One reason for poking my nose into this is to make sure that my local authority doesn't go down the same road without it being fully analysed and approved by the ratepayers.
  19. The issue Stu is that the changes you're referring to could and should have happened 10+ years ago. The gig economy has been around for quite a while and I suspect that IOMPO is too late and any funding put aside or granted to them will be frittered away on development projects, none of which will produce anything of significance.
  20. A week is a long time in politics, ergo a lot can happen in two years!
  21. The reason for the increases is due to the low tonnage (due to recycling) and fuel to keep the damned thing burning. It's utter madness.
  22. This is all playing out exactly as was predicted when central government foisted all of this on to the local authorities after they hood-winked the taxpayer into believing that a dual system of incineration AND recycling would be the answer to our landfill waste disposal issues and green credentials. Yes it would be absolutely brilliant if we could recycle more but the reality is we're probably maxed out, there just isn't the critical mass to make it work for either, economically or carbon neutrally. Sending recyclables elsewhere (off-Island) is convenient because it's out of sight out of mind. I doubt anyone in DBC or any other LA or IOMG gives a flying fuck what the carbon footprint is once it leaves the Island (or even more to the point when it arrived on the Island).
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