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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. That's why in the economic dashboard thread I asked how much cash do we have. Capital projects still need to be paid for in hard cash. Cash that could be used for essential services. I really couldn't give a sh1t where it sits in the accounts... once it's gone it's gone never to be seen again.
  2. He ain't afraid of no ghosts!
  3. And I'd suggest we need more than one trainee.
  4. Except on occasions it isn't. Case in point was a few of years back when the paper market was on it's backside and the carriage cost was more than the value of the paper.... it was chucked in the incinerator.
  5. https://www.flightglobal.com/networks/loganair-chief-eyes-heathrow-opportunity/151130.article
  6. It wasn't really broke so it didn't really need mending.
  7. https://simpleflying.com/loganair-ceo-scottish-islands-can-rely-on-airline/
  8. Did you 'do' history at school?
  9. As I see it most people were already recycling etc. Sure there's probably some who can't be arsed or indeed don't have the ability to do that due to their location but that's not the issue. The thing is.... we have an incinerator and recycling operating in tandem and to be honest neither are carbon neutral and are very expensive to operate. In reality there's only room for one solution.
  10. That's one of the reasons for asking what the cash balance is/was.
  11. There's only one statistic I'm interested in..... how much do we have in the bank?
  12. And.... “Seeing those little wins and feeling confident in measuring progress is one of my retainer system’s advantages”. I bet it is and the longer these "little wins" go on the better for her bank balance! Well, if the new Airport Director has had a hand in this then he's been royally shagged and by extension so has the taxpayer. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!
  13. I'm interested to know more about "the unique.... Manx Culture" entertainment they're putting on!
  14. Russian is a good example.
  15. I really don't understand the move to two weekly waste collections. It will be the same amount of rubbish that needs to be disposed of over a month, say. And if the reduction in costs of £25K/pa is to be believed then most of that saving will go into engaging a PR company to keep their customers at bay.
  16. The concept of "if it ain't broke don't mend it" is clearly not something they've heard of.
  17. What happens if the Waste Operative (binman to you and me) is colour blind?
  18. I checked with 'She' earlier and she confirmed what I thought..... that a property we occupied for 23 years had the same meter installed from the start of our occupancy until the day we left. So someone has screwed up if the meter was supposed to have been changed.
  19. Agreed but like most sports changes in laws/rules tends to be an evolving process supposedly to improve the game/sport. Sometimes that doesn't happen. This is one such case.
  20. RC is a very good constituency MHK, much like Quirkio was but neither cut out for ministerial level politics despite RC's protestations to the contrary.
  21. Have't the laws of the game been changed since that event to prevent that from happening again?
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