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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I'm convinced that price fixing is going on between the two major providers. I have no real problem with the access to services just the price and types of packages.
  2. Isn't the marketing/PR company British? I read an advertorial years back about how the company came from nowhere to secure the contract. I wonder how that happened?
  3. Long overdue action by CURA: https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/cura-to-assess-islands-mobile-networks/
  4. I think you must be referring to the same Dave that delivers to us.... Dave The Delivery Man, a Top Banana.
  5. I think there's some angry dolphins going on here (cross porpoises). I know there's no NI of dividends.
  6. Who says they don't? I know what you're saying but many small businesses and self-employed will have no choice but to pass on the additional costs to their customers.
  7. How's that going to work if those owners who take dividends already pay income tax on it? Or are you talking about non-resident owners?
  8. "Hoist with his own petard" would probably sum it up.
  9. My point exactly. He clearly thought it was going to be a one way ride; the gospel according to Rob. How wrong could he be?!
  10. Legislation for Housing Associations is already in place, so it can be done.
  11. So all that money spent on media training for Rob hasn't really worked, has it?
  12. No, not social housing.... it's mid-market properties owned/managed by housing associations that's needed. All it needs is government willingness to do something about it and assist the HAs with start-ups.
  13. I agree but I think in layman's terms it's called financial arse covering! A lot of businesses are introducing price rises well ahead of raw material increases.
  14. As I have always said about RC.... less is more but he doesn't learn, never will. I don't think he's really ever been at ease in either the Keys or Tynwald. In some ways RC & AC are very similar.
  15. Look on the bright side.... at least we got skirting boards to go with the vaccination centre. 😂
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