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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Andy Onchan


    Sorry but I read that as "implicated in flatulence allegations"! Which may or may not be true. 🤣
  2. What we need is a race course. Build it and they will come!
  3. Is there an agenda, a meeting list etc, aims... outputs, etc? ETA: Will you be meeting any supply chain business leaders and/or Royal Mail in your capacity as Chair of IOM Post?
  4. You mean the fact that a young man died needlessly?
  5. And in record numbers, so I'm told.
  6. Do we need a CC? Why not a civil commissioner with operational ranks of a lower status?
  7. We might as well elect them to the position.
  8. Actually what I find quiote incredible is this of Gary Roberts: So no currently serving British Chief Constable has been in position for longer than 9 years (as of now)?? Which begs the question how old is the new incumbent and will he last nine years? Or is it the prospect of putting his feet up for the next 5 years until he draws his pension?
  9. Is this anything to do with throwing your car's keys on the table?
  10. Correct. Not so long ago when we moved into a new (to us) house in Onchan, the wife's uncle (who was a retired site manager for Costains the builders across)who used to stay with us to watch the bike racing said, "Aye very nice house our Andrew but I think you're going to have problems with damp...... where's the air bricks?" They were covered up with tarmac by the path that ran around the perimeter of the property. Needless to say they were cleared and we had very little in the way of condensation from that point on.
  11. It would certainly allow room for those more senior nurses to move into a role that they might find more stimulating and perhaps rewarding, rather than hanging on until they have to retire because they're knackered or because their career path leads to nowhere and lose interest and just quit.
  12. https://gmcuk.wordpress.com/2022/06/21/how-physician-associates-are-contributing-at-our-trust/
  13. So all the others PO boxes placed around the British Isles must be crap as well then?
  14. Stu - this just about sums up the small-minded pettiness that even IOMG Statutory Boards are capable of. Why, particularly since IOMPO made money out of issuing and selling stamps back in 2012? Or have the management forgotten about that? IOMPO could have saved some money by not painting it red and I'm sure that if the gold paint needed renewing then an approach to the Onchan or even cycling communities would have realised a couple of pots of paint for free and even volunteers to paint it. IOMPO has very little to shout about these days and for the sake of a bit of thought in advance this wouldn't have made the headlines.
  15. Did you manage to win a gold medal at any Olympics?
  16. Commercial confidentiality? 😆
  17. And add to that vehicle tyres and some oils.... most of which are shipped to Turkey also for heat generation in cement plants. I have long said that we should be putting as much as is combustible in the EfW plant. Having recycling & an EfW makes no sense. In fact it's bonkers.
  18. I can envisage calls to DOI pest control increasing over the next couple of months.
  19. Even vegans or vegetarians are affected by a downturn in the economy and since they'll likely be a numerical minority of those that eat out then the eatery will always be more susceptible.
  20. I agree. I'm sure the patient transport service that was run by the Red Cross cost significantly less than the present arrangement (with or without tangibles such as depreciation on the vehicles etc).
  21. It's the collective marketing shit IOMG puts out.
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