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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Wash your mouth out Albert, that can't be right..... IOMG says our systems are resilient, robust etc.
  2. No doubt they could have got a refund (and may be some did) but there's been enough here to make a difference. And long may that continue. I'd rather see many more visitors to Mann than the IOM government's attempt at increasing the population by giving handouts to get people to move here. It's bonkers.
  3. He managed to wrestle the Manx Gas contract away from DOI and the OFT and got them moved to a proper Utilities Regulatory Authority, didn't he? And the only COMIN member to stand up to HRH the former CM during the previous administration. I'm sure there'll be other stuff.
  4. I agree. The lack of marketing, especially online/digital is non-existent. The only organisation that seems to make the most of that is IOMSPCo.
  5. You can do that through the Manx Credit Union, I think.
  6. So despite Douglas now being a City, nothing's changed and they've still managed to screw up?
  7. Could someone please advise which LHR terminal FlyBe will operate from/to?
  8. So they didn't send a leaflet out with the Courier then?
  9. So it's possible it is a Shariah-compliant product then.
  10. I don't recall any IOM/UK or other home nation EVER claim that.
  11. Is the operation based on Shariah-compliant finance?
  12. No it's not a new idea. Skools and edukashun are not what they is even 20 years ago.
  13. Whatever it is and whatever it does It'll cost you money..... it's the Manx Gas way!
  14. A good British friend of mine has a couple of businesses, one in Finland and the other in Russia. We had a chat this weekend about the situation in Russia and he suggested that when Puiti goes (which he thinks will be before the end of this year) Russia is likely to break up into independent states as the power base in the Kremlin wages what would amount to a civil war with the younger element of the population and would lose. Ironically this is exactly what the Daily Mail is saying:
  15. The biggest jurisdiction for money laundering (both in scale and value) is the City.
  16. Or as one of my old bosses used to say to me many years ago.... "what's the imperative, young Andrew?"
  17. Would you go out in your garden in the middle of winter to start a major project, knowing full well that the elements would be against you? The decision to do this project during the winter months makes no sense and defies logic.
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