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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. What's that mean in plain English?
  2. What ever happened to the offshore wind farm thingy that IOMG were keen to push?? Is it going ahead??
  3. Exactly the same in the Archie, I think.
  4. My daughter is a UK primary teacher and tells me exactly the same story and it's seems to be getting worse. And she works in an area where the parents are well and truly 'middle class' professional types.
  5. Is there now the ability to go west (Ireland) as an alternative to UK with MT for internet communication? The one thing that has always made me smile is the way IOMG use words like "resilience" & "stable" when it comes to a marketing the digital economy. It's far from it.
  6. I received one of those not so long ago, two weeks after I had attended the consultation in question!
  7. Beat me to it..... opportunity costs are basic economic theory.
  8. So how many server farms there are on Mann?
  9. My now 96 year old mother-in law after retiring as a "dinner lady" (they're not called these days are they?!) at Onchan primary volunteered for morning playground supervision duty and did that for about 5 years (I think). Does that still happen these days? I'm sure that DBS checks would have to be carried out but wouldn't it make sense for schools to have a backup plan for eventualities such as this?
  10. That's because they have been increasingly risk averse. No one, it seems, can make a decision these days without referral to the AG's office. And probably for good reason. The issue with that though is that policy only seems to apply to some and not all departments.
  11. Hedonist πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†
  12. But presumably second hand from Professor Ashford?
  13. Unannounced, one item arrived on Wednesday (14/9) the other one yesterday. Both, it seems, were picked from the same warehouse. Not sure why they were sent out separately especially since I checked the box about shipping stuff together to save on cost!
  14. That's probably because he is! πŸ˜‚
  15. It's aimed at those important voters called IOMCS as they are the ones most likely to be allowed the time off to attend.
  16. Not sure you can lay the blame of that on Gary Cobb, he was an airport operations manager not a director. More likely that the Ministers and Directors hadn't the gonads to stand up to the union. https://www.hial.co.uk/hial-group/group?documentId=12&categoryId=20023
  17. Outsourcing of ATC will have to happen at some point, the issue is whether we become an early adopter but pay handsomely for that privilege.
  18. Thought I'd share this from Sky News Website, Q&A section:
  19. Well, if you read some weather prognoses some heavy snow will be due in Northern Europe at some point in December. So I can't see there being much gas left, if any, going into the spring.
  20. There's no such thing as bad publicity.... up until she opened her mouth I didn't know her company and products existed! πŸ˜†
  21. Another one engaging mouth before brain. Pillock.
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