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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Didn't the GMT stump up a few million a few years back to upgrade and extend the infrastructure across the Island? £20m comes to mind.
  2. Notwithstanding the gas producers themselves, someone somewhere is making an awful lot of money. Many UK "suppliers" are anything but. They're nothing more than a middleman.
  3. You're lucky no one's mentioned the war yet!
  4. If the search facility on whatever platforms they use for their emails and other data etc are anything like the government website then I'm not surprised that couldn't find it. It's absolute shite!
  5. And that bit was 100% true, in my case. That's not a myth.
  6. Yes, they could throw up and all sorts!
  7. Ahh.... a newly appointed (probably retired and brought back specially for the purpose) Parking Czar!.... that has a certain ring to it. 😂
  8. Just goes to prove what short memories we have. I was 7 in '64 and remember going down to the end of our terrace street with my mother a couple of times to a standpipe to fill buckets (she carried those) and my very own thermos flask!
  9. So you don't think there'll be a termination clause?
  10. And Ancala's Management Fee levied against MG will be paid to USA regardless.
  11. Wouldn't her LTR status count towards a Brit citizenship application?
  12. But she can apply. It's not as if there's no alternative.
  13. Wouldn't the lady doing the check-in be employed by a third party passenger handling company and not Loganair?
  14. Wouldn't it be better in the long term if she had a British Passport? (assuming IOM is your main residence?)
  15. Presume your better half is a British Citizen then if she has LTR?
  16. I haven't been on the railway this year, so far. Have they sprayed weed killer along the tracks and half way up the banks as they have with the MER?? Dead and very dry foliage wouldn't help matters.
  17. I'm at a loss as to what Manx Gas actually bring to the table (other than increased tariffs) that MUA can't do themselves on our behalf. They're just an added layer of expense. Nothing more than a middle man.
  18. Disagree. MId-market Housing Trust/Associations yes, but not more local council/authority builds as there are already too many occupying these properties whose income would put them in that mid-market sector, which where they belong. The whole housing sector is FUBAR.
  19. Andy Onchan

    New Casino

    It'll take some courage then.
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