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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. A former Planning Committee Member no less: https://www.tynwald.org.im/memoff/member/Pages/MaskaMM.aspx
  2. No (and without wanting to steal NB's thunder) I think he's referring to the fact that HNWI have got the money to drink for longer, irrespective of the pricing/cost.
  3. Where are those then? The only other one I know of is the Sea Ternimal.
  4. I wonder what would have happened if IOMG hadn't have stepped in to buy IOMSPCo. IOMSPCo owners would have had to negotiate themselves a deal directly with PH. And I bet they wouldn't have forked out £70+M for a solution.
  5. You mean like.... whichever way you throw us.... we're screwed?
  6. Aye.. you can see why they were in a rush to fix the damage to the cables etc up at the Liverpool Arms
  7. Scroll a long way back through these pages and you'll see that I opined that it would cost £100m.
  8. Whoever they are they may all be leaving the Island next Monday as I tried to rebook an IOMSPCo foot passenger only ticket for the 08:45 on Monday and was told the sailing is full. That's a pretty rare occurrence outside of TT, isn't it??
  9. I'm inclined to think that it's tight fistedness!
  10. All of the above plus soil type and location all play a part in developing a woodland area.
  11. We're the same age and when I was at school (even at primary) it was only ever known as football, never soccer.
  12. The Scottish gaelic word for football is fitba
  13. But it doesn't work like that though. When users consume less the cost never really goes down, standing charges will be imposed and cost per unit will increase to the revenue that MUA already receive. And of course we'd be told that the installation of the meters will not cost the user anything.... which is bollox of course.
  14. There's also the digital sector for EFL, worth billions worldwide: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/english-language-learning-market-worth-54-92-billion-by-2027--growing-at-a-cagr-of-6-2-from-2020---exclusive-report-by-meticulous-research-301324924.html https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210105005567/en/Global-English-Language-Learning-Market-to-2027-with-COVID-19-Impact-Insights-for-2020-2021---ResearchAndMarkets.com https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/english-language-learning-market.html
  15. English as a foreign language (EFL) is a massive (educational) sector. Malta is teeming with colleges and academies providing only those courses, nothing else. Tie that in with other further education opportunities for those sturdents and we might just have an employment pool of youngsters on our doorstep (for both permanent residential positions and temporary for hospitality jobs). It works elsewhere. I really don't see why it wouldn't work here.
  16. Well it's certainly not going to be written policy, is it?
  17. I find it hard not to come to that conclusion, frankly based on the the default which is not good enough. It really shouldn't be necessary to have to badger MC for appointments at the soonest opportunity..
  18. The frontline staff will always do (and can only do) what is asked of them given the resources available. If you don't persist and be a pain in the ass then the extended waiting list becomes the default position it seems, irrespective of the illness. The outcome for anyone who requires intervention at an early stage is likely to be bleak (from the experience of a friend who passed away not so long ago).
  19. There's probably more truth in this statement than we might care to acknowledge.
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