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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. I'm convinced that Halifax's AndyM is a competitor's implant!
  2. Summerland has cliff stability issues and no one in their right mind will go anywhere near that until it's shored-up.
  3. It was a question.... and the second paragraph was tongue in cheek, hence the 🤣 emoji.
  4. So Bradley didn't? If so, that's probably why they offered him the Bus Station project to move him out! 🤣
  5. I'm not entirely convinced Kane really had any hotel or retail groups seriously interested in the first place.
  6. Is the service farmed out to private operators with a Transport for Cornwall logo slapped on the side? Or run by the taxpayer?
  7. If a reset is required then the sensible thing to do is to put it back out on the market to see what other interest there is in developing it. Otherwise, as JW says, it will just drift along and then nowt will happen for the next 5 years anyway with no guarantee that Kane will do anything either within the 5 years or even after.
  8. Not really, they're struggling. Most staff are on zero hour contracts.
  9. Actually I thought the lease was contingent on them developing the site. COVID's all but over so Kane needs to step up and start acting like they mean business.
  10. Then the site should be handed back and put back out to the market to see what appetite there is. There's more than one player in town.
  11. Beginning of September more like.
  12. Indeed. But it will happen, only a case of when. The same with pilotless aircraft.
  13. https://services.gov.im/job-search/results?AreaId=&ClassificationId=&SearchText=&LastThreeDays=False&JobHoursOption= I don't think I've ever seen the job vacancies list as long as this, ever.
  14. Remote control is where the future lies. Let's hope that this is on Chris Thomas' radar (pun intended).
  15. Kane should not be allowed to get away without developing the site. It's about time we had an update on the development. Are they going to build anything or not? If yes, when are they going to start?
  16. You'd have to question what it is that Bradley has over certain past decision makers in DOI?
  17. Aye... And I wonder how much we're paying for the privilege of him being here (assuming he's at least part-resident)?: https://theferret.scot/woerden-nhs-highland-155000-salary/
  18. Wasn't there talk/news of some recipients of COVID handouts being investigated for fraud or some such?
  19. It's not just the physical beds though, it's the nursing and all the other support that goes with it that counts as a 'bed' statistic.
  20. You'd struggle to get even one arse cheek on one of those!
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