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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. But it sounds like the special fares are more expensive than the usual published fares.
  2. So, no official announcement of fare increases from either IOMSPCo or IOMG. Are these increased prices part of the User Agreement as originally set up and signed off by DOI? Or are they new? If so, who approved them and when?
  3. Probably masking the smell of other stuff smoking.... if you get my drift?
  4. Most of us probably understood what you meant.... being logical and all! There's always one! 🤣
  5. All of the ales in Shoprite that were previously sold as 3 for £5 are now 3 for £6.
  6. That is staggering. Truly staggering!
  7. If the ferry capacity does increase by 50% then I don't think we will have enough bed space, including campsites. The age groups attending are definitely getting older and will probably be less inclined (or even capable) of staying in campsites in tents (unless staying in in mobile homes/campervans), so more B&B/hotel accommodation will be required.
  8. Our eldest went down with a blocked nose, dry sore throat and light headache and tested negative for four days running. Only tested positive on day 5 but tested negative again day 8 and fully recovered day 9.. Nature's a wonderful thing!
  9. Me too! You and I must have lived very, very sheltered lives (which I haven't). I'd never heard/read it before now. Every day, it is said, is a school day.
  10. I doubt IOMG or Alf will say much except that "IOMSPCo is run at arms length and it's their decision to hike up the costs if they think it warrants it".
  11. Has there been an official IOMSPCo announcement about the increase in fares?
  12. I had some limited dealings with Stan and he could come across as being awkward sometimes. Probably got out of bed the wrong side that day!
  13. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/toxic-silt-prosecution-wasnt-in-public-interest/
  14. All of the above, probably. And we may not be able to fix it, at least for some time to come.
  15. That was then..... this is now and the dynamics are absolutely not the same.
  16. I'm afraid I liken it to a game of chicken. The majority will survive, some won't. And for the record I'm neither for nor against the TT.
  17. The companies providing the outsourced services will only be obliged to carry out what they are contracted to do. I suspect the issue with the lift for mobility compromised passengers was that the asset was/is owned by the Airport (DOI). I'm sure Menzies would be able to provide a replacement but their contract would most likely need amending. Equipment such as that lift don't grow on trees.
  18. In recent years the relationship between the Executive & the Elected has been way too cosy. And it doesn't help if the Elected's remuneration package is based on Executive pay scales. The Elected lost the moral high ground when they decided on salary equivalence.
  19. A lot of 'stuff' that fell under the purview of the former Chief Secretary is now being unearthed. There will be more.
  20. I expect Chris Thomas' To Do list is already five pages long with just a single line entry for each item.
  21. Yes, I'm pretty sure our daughter was on as some sort of fast track scheme, the first three months (or thereabouts) locked in a room with tutors and then at least six months out in classrooms. She absolutely loved it. In fact she was the first out of the house each morning.... mind, she never did that when she was pupil!
  22. Teacher training on Island is not new... our youngest did 6 months in Onchan & Murrays Road through an accredited PGCE course with Liverpool Uni (I think). Not sure why DoE stopped it to be honest.
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