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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Just thought I'd put the question out there.
  2. Covid, a war on our doorstep and the ever-present threat of climate catastrophies makes for the perfect financial storm. You really couldn't have planned it better! Next year won't be any better than this year, probably worse in fact.
  3. Covid, a war on our doorstep and the ever-present threat of climate catastrophies makes for the perfect financial storm. You really couldn't have planned it better!
  4. I've lived on the Island for 43+ years and it's always been more expensive than the adjacent isle.
  5. Speaking of Manx Gas, are they sponsoring the hospitality tent or a sidecar outfit at the TT again?
  6. But you do realise that you actually have to do something to earn or receive a brown envelope?
  7. Surely they must have knowwn when these people were leaving/retiring aas they'd have given notice. The truth is, DOI have shot themselves in the foot by having the majority of drivers on 0 Hour contracts.
  8. That's why I said earlier that the Public Service Commission and the board membership arrangement is not fit for purpose. It's institutionally corrupt and must be replaced with something reflecting the real world and with greater accountability to the GMT.
  9. Sorry but how do you know that Ranson's "identification of issues" requiring improvement were widely agreed with, accepted and supported by her peers?
  10. That's always been an issue, hasn't it?
  11. As I suggested earlier there are always two sides to a story.
  12. HR is self policing and therefore not fit for purpose. Current oversight is by commissioners all of whom, I think, have themselves been public servants at point or another.
  13. The IOMPS Commission needs to be disbanded and another agency set up in it's place with greater emphasis on their members accountability to the GMT.
  14. I don't think he was even a serious contender was he? AC has his faults but I don't think he's been taken in by Rob.
  15. Is she one if Rob's constituents?
  16. But why announce it at all? He's just a humble functionary, nothing more.
  17. So why is his departure newsworthy?
  18. A servant can't serve two masters. Otherwise there'll be trouble at mill.
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