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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. We have enough Right Honourables already..... we really don't need any more.
  2. Douglas would be nothing if it wasn't for the Victorians. Peel at least has bone fide heritage etc. Anyway, I've no real axe to grind for or with either of them, they both have "something" going for them, it just depends on what you're expect out of a City.
  3. Well, when my almost 96yo mother-in-law turns round and says "why can't we pay by card, like we used to?" then you know they've got it wrong.
  4. But Douglas always gets first dibs at everything and anything. So they now have to live up to their name. BTW - does the Mayoral status change when a Borough becomes a City? Will they have to go out and buy a new chain etc??
  5. That's what I said pages ago. The Shaw's Brow car park works perfectly (despite being operated by the Gotham City Fathers! ).
  6. Thanks for clarifying. I was beginning to think that they had actually re-sized/re-aligned the gauge to allow the tram to get round, which as we know is not possible. The degree of curve as it is will never allow a horse tram to travel safely, you can tell that just by looking at it. The designers and IL are thick twats.
  7. I'm confused.... so are the rails not the same distance apart all the way along the curve??
  8. At least he didn't have a dildo sitting on the bookshelf!
  9. FFS don't go giving him ideas of a return..... I don't want him foisted on my grandchildren in the years to come. Anyway, Churchill he ain't.
  10. Did I see some rapeseed bloom in there a couple of days back?? Is the City going into rapeseed oil production now? Seriously though, if the City gardeners know anything about wild flower seeding (which I'm sure they do) then you could be waiting a couple of years at least before they take hold and that's providing the soil isn't too acidic and too rich. otherwise they won't take.
  11. I'm not convinced that BV will be charging the full fees for the services they provide for the cruise vessels, if comparing to private hire. ETA: posted before I read Roger's missive.
  12. Today's FlyBe is not the same as the previous FlyBe.
  13. Like what, for instance? Just a hypothetical example would do! 😉
  14. And here was me thinking that it wasn't possible to reinvent the wheel.... how wrong can you be? 🤣
  15. I thought the horse trams were a permanently fixed to the chassis, ie, there aren't any bogies on them to change?? Or have I got that wrong?
  16. It's called the "Visitor Economy" these days. Each visitor has money burning a hole in their pocket or purse. We really shouldn't care why they come over we should just be glad they do.
  17. But it will be shiny and that's all that matters.
  18. We'll definitely need a Director of Cannabis Tourism Policy. In fact why not have two, a director and a deputy and throw in a an assistant for each of them. Then they'll be needing an admin manager (each) with an assistant admin manager plus a media person or two.
  19. Looked to me like they were trying to keep it on the rails! I heard the other day that trams would have difficulty staying on those rails because the bend leading up to and from the crossing is too acute (if that makes sense!).
  20. This. The organisation is institutionally corrupt.
  21. It's good job we don't need to replace light bulbs very often.
  22. I thought Ranson was Nobles Medical Director?
  23. I meant why wasn't the position full-time and resident? It's nothing to do with COVID, per se. The appointment was made well outside of COVID.
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