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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Who's clever idea was it to have the DHSC/Manx Care CEO operate at (physical) arms length? Who approved of that arrangement? Who signed off on that?
  2. I think the Ranson affair was the straw that broke the camel's back.
  3. Correct Albert. I had certainly forgotten about that, as did others on here.
  4. Well, here are the OHR list of Roles and Statutory Functions: https://hr.gov.im/about-us/public-services-commission/ No mention about accountability to the GMT. These are currently a one-way ticket to misdaventure without impunity.
  5. It's going to be interesting to see how he handles Tynwald questions.
  6. Or take up a directorship... Isn't that what one does at the appropriate juncture?
  7. The 360 feedback stuff - that sounds like she's been thrown a lifeline then by PSCHR to save face. And so that leads me to believe that Ranson is likely to walk away with a very substantial sized cheque. This could all have been avoided if there was a proper mechanism in place with the PSCHR to handle these kind of cases. But then that's IOMG for you.
  8. There was only ever going to be one team and you would kind of expect glowing references from fellow 'medics' (except those of course who she managed to upset) coz that's what the defence team lined up for her. What is clear to me is that the person who could/should have put a lid on all of this and didn't was the erstwhile HRH the CM. We've heard nothing from him. He's as culpable as his sidekick Ashford.
  9. I'm not sure she has tbh, other than been mouthy towards Ranson who, it seems to me, doesn't like views that might run counter to her own. I'm not defending or disparaging anyone here but it seems to me that Ranson may not have been party to the bigger picture. In fact there's no reason why she should have been. She was the Medical Director, one small cog in a not insubstantial group of people trying to work their way through a once in a 2 x generation pandemic. Saying "close the borders now" is one thing but not being party to everything else that was going on at the same time smacks of naivety and a little egotistical... the "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" syndrome. Harping on in that manner ain't gonna win you friends. Which leads me to wonder if she was a team player? If not, then perhaps it shouldn't come as a surprise that some of her colleagues sidelined her. Just a thought and I'll probably get shot down for putting it out there.
  10. Probably not her finest hour but then Ewart & Ranson were not equals, were they?
  11. Indeed. And Glover seemed to imply that has happened during his time as News Editor as well (on other issues). Quite astounding really that senior IOMG execs think they can dictate the news output on a national radio station.
  12. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/ex-airport-director-recounts-really-tough-pandemic-period/ How can it be stressful when there are no passengers to worry about?
  13. All hail the crayonistas!
  14. This.... and not just recently either. It's about titles like "Director of this and that Policy" and very little to do with actually making stuff work for the benefit of the GMT. IOMG is littered with these non-jobs.
  15. And another over at Peel courtesy of Youaintseenme:
  16. Go on... say it again. You know you want to! 🤣
  17. I'm not sure that the Command Structure was entirely Magson's idea. It's a common model used in the military. You'd have to go through a certain persons LinkedIn history to see where that came from.
  18. I suspect not just IOMG but many regional & hospital trusts across the UK.
  19. Given the frequency that the tide now over-tops the first line of defence, ie. the promenade wall, I would think that the garden walls would be virtually uninsurable. Sounds like a Mexican standoff between DBC and DOI as to who will buckle first under political pressure to get it restored.
  20. But greater criticism if someone goes over the edge because the barriers fail to protect that from happening.
  21. Does the LG attend any Cabinet/CoMin meetings these days?
  22. I thought that was neutral..... or was it neutered?
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