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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Not confused, I recognise both.
  2. Becoz it's sexy and cool... and all the other words that desk jockeys use for this new internet age. Failing that, someone in DOI has a mate, who knows a mate's next door neighbour far enough removed that no one, absolutely no one will get the whiff of the glue on the brown envelope after the contract has been signed.
  3. FFS stop giving them ideas!
  4. Both are entitled to an opinion but not as MLCs.
  5. My understanding is that spudding to full field development can be done in as little as 4.5 years providing all the finance, resources and equipment is in place and available for use when required (but that's not always possible). The oil and gas majors will sit on wells for a number of years before going into full field development due to ongoing commitments and world stocks. I'm not sure if Crogga have any other commitments or not. The point is that if there is gas down there in sufficient quantity then 'we' will have at least some energy security and can develop it as and when required, which is a lot more than many other countries can boast. If there isn't anything down there then it won't have cost the GMT anything. Zilch. We will need a mix of energy sources in the future, including gas. To think otherwise at this stage is folly.
  6. Can't see it happening at all, sadly.
  7. That's exactly what's happening at the airport and sea terminal and why I started the thread with photos about lack of maintenance at key PUBLIC assets.
  8. The same for all department CEOs.
  9. It's for a job lot of crayons..... from Blackpool Council.
  10. From Manx Radio report: The Noa fella?
  11. That's exactly what's happening, the demand is being driven by outside influences to the detriment of the locals. Additionally "local" employers with oodles of cash are buying up properties for their staff and renting them out. As is the case with the new Ballasallla development I believe.
  12. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/manx-gas-says-plea-for-change-of-payment-terms-was-to-aid-cash-flow/ In the private sector (which MG is) where additional funding is required (especially cashflow) the first people you should look to are, or should be, the shareholders. Did that happen?
  13. Fully aware of that. My point is that PE Partners see only $ signs. If they can get cheap finance, or better still, someone else to cough up for the cashflow (in this case the GMT via MUA) then they will. I've had dealings with a group PEP and they are ruthless and will get their pound of flesh one way or another.
  14. Secured or not Glad.... the partners always get paid first along with government (I left gov out as I took them as a given) as they appoint partners as directors who are usually signatories to the bank accounts!
  15. I could be wrong but where private equity ownership arrangements are in place the first creditor that gets paid is the partnership. The rest can whistle. It's a simple formula. Depending on the financing arrangements those payments could run to hundreds of thousands/month, possibly millions (which could be the case given that MG racked up £9 million at one point). They would never think about giving up a months' Partnership payment to enable the operating company to survive.
  16. Wow! Just wow! Any thoughts I might have had about AC improving IOMG transparency have now just vanished.
  17. NB further up the thread makes a very salient point..... WTF have MG been doing with the cash from their customers' for the gas supplies? Has it been siphoned off to Ancala Partners elsewhere? I'd be surprised if they haven't.
  18. You possibly... not me! I thought it closed late 1800's!
  19. Oh I agree about the cost etc. I just wondered why historically we've never had a college. If done it would have to appeal and support the international marine industry not just local or UK/EU students. Which begs the question as to why the ship management companies on the Island have never proposed such a thing. Perhaps they have, I've no idea. Is the Fleetwood College still going?
  20. I've never understood, given our maritime history, why IOM has never had a maritime college.
  21. If wasn't before, it is now, out of control!
  22. Whatever, wherever or however the story is that we will require a mix of options (including hydrocarbon) if we are to enjoy the level of uninterrupted power/energy supply we have at the moment. And there's no quick answer. We have to be prepared for the long haul until as such time man's ingenuity & technology finds a truly sustainable method of keeping us warm (yes, we're still going to need heat to survive) and power to keep the lights on (so to speak). I say don't rule anything out.
  23. And after they've collected it what are they going to do with it? It says nothing about that on the website.
  24. When will the UK wind farms start paying back the subsidies they received from UKG in the form of rebates to the end users? Only when that happens will it be cheaper for the end user. And, some of the early turbines that were erected are now starting to show signs of wear/cracking and need replacing. So they're not as sustainable as some might think.
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