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Andy Onchan

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Everything posted by Andy Onchan

  1. Maximum capacity has been reached again. The Pulrose site is closed again due to "technical" reasons. No mention of it on their Faceache page so I've just wasted fuel and time going there only to turn round and head back home. Twats! Additionally, all of the bins at the Onchan Hub car park are overflowing..... again! We do our best to be good citizens and recycle all the usual stuff but we're at the point of giving up and just putting everything in the wheelie bin from now on. The recycling and EfW policy is a shambles. Umpteen millions spent with no discernible benefit to either the rate or tax payer.
  2. The dual use of the tracks have been in the plans for a long time, even before IL. I recall reading about this since before Summerland was demolished, possibly 25+ years or more ago. It make sense to have a`multi-storey car park on the Summerland site and run non-stop electric trams up to/from there to the Gaiety area in the winter and at peak times in the summer, with horse trams in between. The Summerland cliff however needs stabilising before anything like that can happen.
  3. So who's responsible, if not Richard Wild? The CEO, the Minister, the tea lady? No one is asking him to ready every email but there has to be checks and balances in place to avoid things like that from happening.
  4. The best placed companies to do this are oil companies. Their expertise and development in and of drilling techniques are not what they were even 10 years ago. Developing the technology is something that we should be encouraging.
  5. I know Malta is a 'real' holiday destination but right up until CV took hold they held 4 full weekend sports tournaments in mid-April to mid-May from the mid-90s onwards; rugby, swimming, footie and beach volleyball (if I recall correctly). The Maltese Tourist Authority offered a flat EUR6/person/bed night in approved accommodation to each organising committee of the events all managed by about 10 approved travel agents who found the accommodation for the participants. I can't really remember how it was controlled but I think all participants had to be pre-registered and have return travel boat or air tickets for at least the length of time the tournament was run for. I was helping out in a clubhouse bar one year but I heard Maltese Rugby Union turned in around EUR10K from the government scheme for their weekend. Teams from France, UK, Ireland, Italy and even USA turned up. It was probably one of the best 7 & 15 a-side tournaments I have ever attended. The Maltese Government didn't have to lift a finger but hotels packed, flights fully booked, restaurants & cafes full, nightclubs booming, sight seeing, boat trips etc, etc. And a good time was had by all. ETA: Forgot to add that I passed all the scheme info over to Mr Corkish who was the Member for Tourism at the time but nowt was done about it.
  6. I'd stop digging if I were you.... 😂
  7. I thought all this shit had been outsourced to a third party "digital native" company already???? Wasn't there a tender for this kind of thing a few months back??? Or was the brief so crap that whoever won the bid chucked the towel in as they realised it would do more harm than good to their reputation?? Talk about silo mentality.
  8. Somebody in MUA will now be busy writing up a policy document in time for the response.
  9. According to our family returning to the UK, yesterdays 07:30 to LPL was packed to the gunwales.
  10. ANPR and contactless payment is all that is required. Same as Shaw's Brow. It's a doddle.
  11. Has the barriers and payment system gone out to tender??
  12. Depending on the location some non-high street retail premises are not that much cheaper.
  13. Either way, we're shagged! That much was obvious to me when you outlined the history behind the folly called transport strategy. Scarce resources will always cost more, whether that's on-island or off-island. But I think I know which way I would vote.
  14. It will happen. ETA: Angus MacNeil is a danger to his own constituents.
  15. Where do you mean, point of origin?
  16. Thanks, that might have been the article where I read it originally. Although it's hard to believe that it was almost 8 years ago!
  17. No shame whatsoever, except that it's clearly not the right model for IOM. MG is an unnecessary intermediary in the whole affair. I've never really understood why we need such an arrangement. And if I'm not mistaken I think Chris Thomas may well be of the same opinion, for what it's worth.
  18. I recall seeing something about that quite a while ago but I don't think it's gone ahead yet. The common denominator in all of this is Peel Holdings, although I have something at the back of my mind that PH were wanting rid of Doncaster. But I might have that wrong.
  19. Aye. That did go through my head as I was typing the above out. The endless mantra of "we're different" being rolled out is the only excuse needed to maintain the bloated public service that it has become. Never a thought for the GMT and passengers.
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